• Do you need help identifying a 🌶?
    Is your plant suffering from an unknown issue? 🤧
    Then ask in Identification and Diagnosis.


I dealt with these guys last year and never really found a satisfactory resolution. I have read lots of stuff on the forum regarding these evil little leaf suckers. IS THERE ANYONE OUT THERE THAT HAS SUCCESSFULLY DEALT WITH THESE MONSTERS? I'm tempted to napalm the whole grow with the evil Sevin spray... I really don't want to do that though. I want a good homebrew method or something organic. If you have had a successful experience dealing with them, please share your knowledge.

Here is a pick. They just started and about 15 out of 48 plants are showing signs.

Thrips suck ass!!! I had a little infestation of them last year. I can't remember if it was the ladybugs that took care of them or if it was a good shot of pyrethrin. Either one should work I believe.
Well, Guru thinks it's aphids. I'm not sure either way now. Without a magnifying glass they are kind of like these invisible monsters. The garden snipe.
I'm ready to do the same,red spider mites,and aphids here. Causing some gnarly new growth. I went the lady bug route,they are sex fiends and lazy. The the larvae are too slow for mites.
Seth, I promise you that there is NO thrip damage on those plants bro. Just chill and no getting crazy. That is aphid damage dude. Plain and simple. This truth I give to you.

  • Pyrethrum...and done
THRIPS! Dangit, I'm too late! hahaha

Squatch - I vote for P-Guru's pyrethrum. Put down the Dawn & oil and step away. NOW!!!!!!! :lol:

...unless you're still smoking...then maybe try tobacco tea? What the hell is a Thrip anyway? Besides a PITA!
yeah and only pyrethrum IF you see em everywhere and re in danger of complete infestation. It the safest organic pesticide, but it still kills stuff....including soil food webs, lady bugs, and other good guys. I say step away from the garden broham! Be not anal about your anal scorching pepper plants lol
Altogether now!







he's gonna you-know-what when he sees my posts here.
Smile bro, so I'm a teenie weenie bit off topic, it's just how I roll. :D
Ok, seriously,
Years ago, (right or wrong) someone told me to "stress" my pepper plants to make them hotter.

Seth, your plants started life coddled in your basement under perfect conditions.
Then you moved them upstairs, where they were inspected by your new puppy, and in the way of your stuntbaby-fire-ring.
When they finally made it outdoors, they got snowed on, drenched with rain, and sunburnt, (don't forget the Lenny factor).
They get aphids, (again people, together now, THRIPS!) and pissed on by the same dog. You see where I'm going?

Who the hell is this ButchT guy? You're going to have the hottest peppers on the planet! Introducing....

The Tobasquatch!

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: