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smoking throughly blended???

I have a good recipe for my BBq sauce which i make in the summer any way along with the 6 or 8 dry spices that go into the base which is dark molasses ketchup a bit of white vinager, i always have trouble with it slightly seperating, Should it be put into the blender, or cooked first, it makes me want to make it right now, its so good you could just eat it with a spoon.
if one of the dry spices is mustard try a prepared dijon or yellow mustard, it tends to help hold the consistensy. blending will help but it will probably seperate in the long term anyway.
I agree, blend/cook/blend. I've got a line of blenders I use if I'm making a big batch for personal use.

Or look at this as a feature instead of a bug. My sauce tends to separate, but I tell people "that's because there aren't any unnatural binders or thickeners in it."
Are you selling it? If not, I respect your perfectionism, but ease up!Lol.
If you are selling it I like that "bug" from gg. Put that on the bottle.
"Due to the high quality of natural ingredients, some seperation is to be expected. Just shake well and Enjoy!"