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pests tiny white bugs

i've noticed a bunch of these tiny white bugs (about the size of a spider mite) i havn't seen any on the plant, but they are all over the soil...any idea what these things are, and are they a problem?
don't think they're a problem...after the top layer of soil dried, they seemed to have left.
im guessing they just liked the moist conditions after it rained for a couple days
I had a similar infestation of little white 'jumping' bugs in one pot containing a rocoto. Every time I waterd the pot, they'd jump something like three inches up in the air, even though they were only about 1mm long or less.

I did some quick googling, and I think they might be Springtails (yeah, wanted to sound more refined, so looked them up in wikipedia first, then somewhere else :P), which shouldn't pose any danger to the plants (according to wikipedia) :shocked: