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To plant, or not to plant?

Hey guys, this ones probably more for the oz growers. I've just received a stack of seeds from a very generous member, and as i'm soo damn impatient want to plant some. I know there's not enough time for pods, but maybe i can overwinter them, and get a head start next season? if there isn't enough time, what's the best way to store the seeds? at the mo, i have them in zip lock bags, in a sealed container in the back of the fridge.

Any advice would be much appreciated,
I hope the seeds were dried well :scared:

Why not just plant a couple of seeds of each and see how they go through the winter? I don't know when it gets cold in NZ but we have around two months of warm weather left here. To get them to overwinter properly you would have to harden them off some to get a woody stem AFAIK.

I suggest you just have a play and get the taste for next season ;)
You could knock up an little grow room with a heat mat and some fluoro lights and keep a few plants at a time in that, depends if you have the space for spare cupboard inside or not
Novacastrian said:
I suggest you just have a play and get the taste for next season ;)

this ^^
i started late-ish and now realise i wont get any peppers this year, but the amount ive learnt from trial and error and just having a go has been awesome.

if, like jonbob says, you have room and can set up some fluro lights inside then 100% plant now and have a go.
if you dont, then dont fret. still having a go will be good.

remember the 1st month the seeds are inside warm and cozy anyway, so you dont need light. After that they are in pots and can stay outsdide all day, and bring em in when the night temps get cold (drop to below 12deg C). Thats a good 3 months before it gets too cold for em to be outside at all - by that stage you'l have learnt heaps and who knows - they might just overwinter well for next season
I agree with everyone else... just plant some anyway!

I have some youngens myself which I know won't produce any pods this season.... and at the very least, even if they don't survive winter, I got myself some experience :D

And I don't feel like an idiot now, 'cause it sounds like I'm not the only late starter........ :D
i started some late.. and i dont have a fancy set up.. outside is my set up :D i'm only on my first set of real leaves but still happy! I know they wont produce anything this season but if I look after them over winter then next year I'm off to a flying start!
mel said:
i started some late.. and i dont have a fancy set up.. outside is my set up :D i'm only on my first set of real leaves but still happy! I know they wont produce anything this season but if I look after them over winter then next year I'm off to a flying start!

My thoughts exactly! A head-start for next season gotta be good!!
Thanks guys, i thought i was wasting my time a bit. But have taken your advice and seeing as i was given quite a few seeds i planted some.
Yellow 7 THSC
Red 7 THSC
T Scorpion THSC
Fatalii THSC
And these from my generous friend
yelow 7
Barackpore 7
7 Jonah
Dorset Naga

Like all you guys said, it will be a very good learning experience if nothing else
I am growing all but one of those right now! I had seeds for the red scorp but didn't plant them.
You have good taste man! :rofl: