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Today's grabs from the fest

Just got back from the I Like It Hot Pepper festival here in rainy FL.

My first fest of the sort, and it was sweet! It was a lot of fun. A lot of pepper sauce tasting. A lot of money well spent

It was mostly just the locals and their pepper products. A lot of really good local hot sauces.

There was a guy selling some pepper plants so I even picked up a Tepin and a Fatali bonnet. I originally didn't plan on growing these variety untill next season, but they were $3 each so I went for it.

It aint cheap going to these things. But all money well spent

The one labled Fatali bonnet... is that just a regular fatali or something special?

Whats some personal preferences on ways of using the tepins?
Never had or seen any of those hot sauces before but the bottles look cool! Had to zoom in to see the ghost powder. ;)
Any word on the Fatali Bonnet as it was labeled? Is that just the labeling, cause doing a search I didn't see anything actually with "bonnet" in the name as far as Fatali go... Just lookin for the deets on that if anyone has got em.