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Tolerance and different peppers

So some of my buddies have tried the first butch t to ripen that I've grown.... Three of us have tried bhuts and one has eaten quite a few of them.... One of the others who tried it can't handle heat.

To me, the bhut was way hotter.... The buddy who has eaten a few bhuts said the small piece of the butch t he had was much worse than a whole bhut. The other who has tried a bhut said it wasn't hot, just painful.... And the one who can't handle heat took it without much reaction but he said it was too hot for him, not enjoyable and he felt it for much longer than any of us has....

There was alot of heat to it, mostly felt on the middle/back of the tongue and back of the throat and enough to feel the burn near the top of the stomach.... And it was a small amount of burn quickly picking up but it was still tolerable and then more pain than actual heat, similar to what it feels like after drinking coffee that is way too hot.... And I know it should have been hotter, there was a whitish film on the inside with oil pockets between the film and the walls....

Why would it affect someone one way but others completely different and even more so when compared to how they handle other peppers?

I didn't stress this plant as much as I intended so I wasn't expecting anything hot enough to be near the record but I was expecting more....

Not concerned so much about it not being hot, more asking about why it's so hot for one person who has handled other peppers better than the rest of my buddies but not as hot to the rest of us....
I personally find the BT to be a bit bitter, and I swear the hottest peppers I have eaten are a tossup between a BS red and a Naga Viper.
The Viper was instant, and the Brain Strain lasted a very long time.
Comes down to the particular plant and pod and the palate, IMHO.
I just find it strange that someone who eats bhuts whole would be in worse pain from less than a quarter of a butch t the size of a quarter while I found a piece of a bhut about the same size to be hotter than a piece of the same butch t.... I tried another piece today and almost shrugged it off as nothing....

Got another pod ripening that I'm planning on trying....
To me habaneros are worse than jolokia. Jolokia is hotter,but a different kind of hot which I can handle better. Will be trying butch T today.