food Tomatillo & Hab Relish


Ya know how you have just a few leftover pods sometimes?

Well, I had 3 habs that were gonna go bad soon, so decided to make something.


  • 3 habs chopped
  • 1/2 an onion chopped
  • 1 Large garlic clove (or two regular ones)
  • 1 good size ripe Tomatillo chopped
  • Juice and pulp of two ripe Key Limes
  • 1/2 tsp sea salt
  • 1 heaping tsp. brown sugar
  • 1/4 C. Rice Vinegar


K, now we put the habs, onions and garlic into a pan on medium-low with a pat of butter and let it cook down a bit stirring often.
This'll take some of the sharpness out of the garlic and habs, and let the natural sugars come out of the onions. :-)


Cook only until you see the onions start to get not let the garlic brown or ya can toss it.

Now we can add the other stuff...I cut the limes in half and used my garlic press as they are a PITA otherwise.

Let it come back to a bubble, then reduce to a simmer for about 10-15minutes or until the tomatillas have broken down a bit.

Stir occasionly so it doesn't stick or burn. It will thicken watch over it.

Ah..there's we go...Just a dash of black pepper and salt more.

Let it get nice and syrupy..then took my trusty T-Fal Potato Masher and gave it a good thrashing. Better consistancy IMO..and less cleaning up than using a processor.

Boiled an old relish bottle (ironic, eh), and hot-packed it.


Off in the fridge it goes.

It's hot, sweet and tart. Just how I like 'em...

I woulda liked a bit of red bell pepper for color, but it'l be fine. Now I'll have to make hot dogs tomorrow. ;-D
You constantly amaze me with your culinary abilities! You don't take a bad piccy either.
I may have to try this, you reckon that frozen red savinas could be substituted for the habs??
Thx mate!

Ya, I dont see why not..just don't add in with garlic/habs..add in with the tomatillos and stuff or it'l be a mush.

Plus, frozen food + hot butter + habs = Hurty Splash. :)

Ya may wanna play with the sweet/tart ratio..depends too how ripe yer stuff is.
Sounds tasty. Is that a Mt. Olive jar? ;)

It's one of those that needs time in the fridge to taste best. At first it seemed too sour..but after a week or two, the flavers had melded more and it got more balanced.

Next time, I'd prolly use a bit more sugar, and a tad less vinegar though just the same.

Recipes are just science experiments that worked out. ;)
Nakana said:
Looks like yet another winner from the culinary McGiver

yep that pretty much sums it up, quad is a culinary mcgiver (sp? I thought theres another E in there maybe ?)
quad you're very creative for what ya cook :cool: