breeding Tomato / Hot pepper cross polination?

We grow our seed stock in mini green house sort of things.  Kind of like really tall cold frames.  I replace the plastic with netting as it gets warm.  Want to start selling tomato seed also but not up to building more of the frames.  Wondering, does anyone know if there is danger of tomato and peppers crossing?  If not, I can put one variety of tomato in with one variety of pepper and be fine.

Normally, I just bag the tomato plant I want to keep for seed but if I am going to sell the seeds I will need more isolated.
this makes me think of the Simpsons episode with Tomacco lol.
look at it this way , if they did and you end up with a hot tomato , would that be such a bad thing ? i say it would go over great in the chili head world !     :onfire:
ajdrew said:
We grow our seed stock in mini green house sort of things.  Kind of like really tall cold frames.  I replace the plastic with netting as it gets warm.  Want to start selling tomato seed also but not up to building more of the frames.  Wondering, does anyone know if there is danger of tomato and peppers crossing?  If not, I can put one variety of tomato in with one variety of pepper and be fine.

Normally, I just bag the tomato plant I want to keep for seed but if I am going to sell the seeds I will need more isolated.
Why grow them together.. Just graft 50% of a pepper plant ontop of 50% of a tomato plant so you get fruit from both, you will also get the added benefit of added disease resistance.. Speaking of which .. 
While you cant cross pollinate the two it has been proven that as Tomatoes, Tobacco and peppers are all part of the nightshade family they can be grafted to each other... As tobacco forms its nicotine / punch in its root system it is possible to graft the top of a tomato or pepper onto a tobacco plants root base and have the nicotine spread through out the plants and pods.
Giving you Tomacco fruit or Peppacco fruit... While I have read this is apparently true and I think I read somewhere that tomatoes have been grafted and the nicotine has spread through the fruit I don't know if the same was done with peppers and been proven ..
Just food for thought... WHy make disease resistant plants by grafting peppers onto tomatoes when you could make them give you a nicotine hit instead lol.
It's hard enough sometimes to cross across the same species, even harder across the Capsicum genus.  I think you'd be more likely to cross pollinate a tomato with potato, eggplant or black nightshade since they're all Solanums...but we never hear about that.  As others have said...not a chance in hell.