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tomato plants turning light green


there starting to put off tomatos now and there turning light . im going to add more soil soon and feef them casting tea

but im assuming its just a nitrogen prob?
Light green and possibly lower yellowing, if so usually is caused by overwatering and/or poor drainage. Without knowing what type of soil you're growing in and such things as plant rotation and soil ph it's only my guess at the problem.
I have some tomatoes in the same soil mix that my brother-in -law is using. Its a fresh mix and his raised bed was built new......its stunning, I might ad. Unfortunetly his tomatoes are like you discribed, while mine are Emerald Green. He pays too much attention and waters the plants too often. I told him to back off and let the soil dry.
Let me know how you make out. If you chose to give them some "N".....that could also be just what they need.

If you are ever trying to decide if you need to water or not here's one way to tell:
Dig down in the soil with your finger. If you can feel the soil is slightly moist before you get to the last knuckle, your plants are still OK. If the soil is dry all the way to the bottom of your little 3" hole, it is time to add water.
If you are ever trying to decide if you need to water or not here's one way to tell:
Dig down in the soil with your finger. If you can feel the soil is slightly moist before you get to the last knuckle, your plants are still OK. If the soil is dry all the way to the bottom of your little 3" hole, it is time to add water.

True in the ground but in pots I'll have plants wilting badly before the soil is dry 2" down.

I'm guessing they are low on nitrogen, given enough water and 95F sunny days they are using it at a rapid pace.