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Tomato spotted wilt Virus

Has anyone had to deal with this before? And if so how did they treat it? Is there any cure? I've been trying to research and some sites say to burn plants and sterilize the soil???? Wtf :( just the start of my season!
Are you absolutely positive it is tomato spotted wilt virus? Destruction by fire and sterilization is the only course of action with the potential for positive outcome. Before you go tossing all your plants in the fire, though, maybe try and get some pics up?
Hey gas no not completely certain ill post pics, as usual it could be a multitude of problems wonder if there is somewhere in perth I could get a plant tested? Ill get some pics up today see if I can get some opinions....
Ive looked at pictures of tomato wilt. Its quite distinct imo. I too was looking for a botanical lab here in sydney where I could get some leaves tested but id like to know the fees involved. Are your plants still growing or do they look to be struggling? tospovirus usually causes the leaves to drop quickly. Are your plants shedding leaves?
Sarge said:
Ive looked at pictures of tomato wilt. Its quite distinct imo. I too was looking for a botanical lab here in sydney where I could get some leaves tested but id like to know the fees involved. Are your plants still growing or do they look to be struggling? tospovirus usually causes the leaves to drop quickly. Are your plants shedding leaves?
You, sir, have the greatest profile pic of all time.
I'd also like to see some pics







What you think? Could be multiple things going on at once....
Also yes I've had leaf drop, not massive amounts but they're dropping! Mainly on the smaller plants if you can see the yellowing leaf with brown spots try shortly drop off after that...
Use a large amount of antibiotics. I have this in my garden once and managed to cure it through careful pruning and antibiotics/soil changing. But only in early stages. Trimming later can help keep it under control on large healthy plants. If that don't work, use copious amounts of the following chemicals to dispose of plants:
Chlorine triflouride
Dioxygen diflouride
Bromine triflouride
With VERY specially treated armor and gas mask. Any chemist here will know exactly what I'm talking about. Good luck.

I just took this now. It kind of looks like the same stuff you've got going on.
I have no idea what this is and it seems to be getting worse. So far no leaves have turned yellow yet(just a matter of time, it looks irreversible) and one of the plants even conjured up the energy to make a bud. Looks like my plants won't be around for much longer, really does not look good.
Huh. take a cutting out of the middle of the plant and see if you can grow that. Cleanly. Rinse it with h202 and such.
Also I have leaves turning and twisting over themselves like this

And some leaves just dying almost like they are having all the life drained out of them and snapping like this one...

I have treated with copper oxychloride last week and also at first cal mag and pyrethrum....
What do you mean by "Anti biotics" I'm fairly new to most of this, only my second grow season....
Use things like Epsom salt spray and maybe Bonide. But you should REALLY isolate any still healthy plants from this. And never sell seeds from this season or the next.
cruzzfish said:
Use things like Epsom salt spray and maybe Bonide. But you should REALLY isolate any still healthy plants from this. And never sell seeds from this season or the next.
Thanks mate I have used Epsom salts as a foliar spray, ill have a look in to bonide
You should always treat your seedd with a h2o2 soak yo kill bacteria and virus in seeds.

I showed my plants to a local and he recons its a zinc and magnesium deficiency with potential deficiency in calcium. Im not convinced your plants have tospovirus. Theres a resource someone posted here almost every symptom my plants and yours show are signs of zinc deficiency. It might be wishful thinking but I still have 0 sighted pests on these particular plants bar the odd white flies. Ive treated my plants now with most things. I gave them seasol tonic yesterday to get some good shit into the soil. The rest is up to the plants. If they produce then sweet. If they die then next year my grows will all be in pots and isolated.

Also rather than foilar spray epsom salts. Sprinkle it around the base of the plants. Its much more effective to the roots than the foilar. Also get some crushed egg shells and fork it into the soil for a slow release calcium boost.

Tospovirus is quite rapid in its works. Its been a few weeks like this for my plants and still haven't had any yellowing or leaf drop. A big sign of tospovirus are holes in the leaves stained with yellow blotches.