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Tomato temp question

I have 20 plants I'm hardening off on deck here in sc. They are in 1 gallon containers. Weather had been 50's for low, but will be 38-40 for next week. I read lows of 50 is fine, but that below that can stunt their growth. But part of me thinks who cares if they slow down a bit and people cover tomatos with sheets in frost and the plants are fine. We aren't going to have a frost at these temps, do I have to move these plants to garage overnite, Which will be best I can do, they will have to go outside In the 38 degree weather a anyway in the am before I go to work. And its 38 before the sun comes up so what he hells the difference? only cold for a couple hours i guess. Thoughts on these temps and advice? Thanks.
I've had them survive 26, they were already in the dirt, I turned the sprinkler on. It happened to be one of the best production years ever.

You should be fine. The advantage you have at this point is they're in pots.