Tomato Tone and Fish Emulsion - Thoughts?

I have recently been using tomato tone bi-weekly, and started using fish emulsion on the other weeks. Plants are in ground and looking pretty decent. I wonder if my regimen is a good plan. This is my first time using ferts, so I really have no idea. 
Plants were started in February under 20,000 lumens, and planted in ground around mothers day. They are mostly all small, as the pots I had seemed too small (after I moved them to solo cups they took off). Most plants are now about 6" tall, and look healthy. Some are over a foot tall, and look great. 
I just started the ferts a week ago.
Let me know your thoughts on this regimen.
How is your rain situation?  I've been fertilizing every week just because we've been getting a ridiculous amount of rain that has likely been washing out a lot of the nutrients from my container plants.  I use 1/2 strength for peppers and it works fine. Fermented sugar beet molasses, kelp extract, fulvic acid.  Most of what they need is in my organic soil but it doesn't hurt to give them a little "kick" every so often with the organic liquids. :D  AACT once a month is in my schedule too.
It's been raining about 5 days a week here it seems. So fert more when it rains? Remember, these are in raised beds.
motorcity said:
It's been raining about 5 days a week here it seems. So fert more when it rains? Remember, these are in raised beds.
There are a lot of factors, with a healthy organic soil you shouldn't need fertilizer, or at least need very little of it but rain can definitely wash out your fertilizer salts very easily especially out of container plants.  There are probably members here who have more experience that can give better more precise answers.
ikeepfish said:
There are a lot of factors, with a healthy organic soil you shouldn't need fertilizer, or at least need very little of it but rain can definitely wash out your fertilizer salts very easily especially out of container plants.  There are probably members here who have more experience that can give better more precise answers.
There won't be any fertilizer salts if he's using organic fertilizers which it sounds like he is.
Yes. I'm organic. Soil is topsoil, composted manure, and peat moss. BUT! The native soil is very much clay. At least under a few inches.
Yeah it does seem like it has been raining everyday around here doesn't it does here in Royal Oak anyways...

We should link up man so we have a local connection for peppers etc... I'm in Royal Oak off 13 mile...PM me of interested bud...
That's what I have been using (Tomato tone and Fish emulsion)....I add some Azomite to the soil when planting. I also plan to start doing a weekly foliage spray of worm tea, just got my pump and I'm trying to set up a bucket with pvc pipe...we'll see how that turns out.