Too late to start a grow log so I just put this here

Been lurking for a bit. This is my first year growing, I wanted to start a grow log but wasn't sure it was worth it since I had no idea what I was doing
Anyway I want to share this with you guys now since I seem to have done something right at least

put them in their final resting place after growing indoors and some training
(I have a garden but its no enough sun there so i put them on the roof)
this would have been in the middle of May



this morning (theres 3 bhuts, and 4 habaneros, red, yellow and chocolate in there)




goes without saying but there are a shit ton of flowers and many more (smaller pods) growing
in my garden I have a few jalapenos growing as well, they seem to be doing well although not like
my roof top grow since the sun is not really enough
Thats all there is too it so far. The weather has sucked here, almost no sun for 3 weeks (rain season) but still looking pretty good.
If there is any interest I will keep you updated through the summer, I will have at least 4 more months of growing left so should be plenty of peppers coming in.
Also would appreciate any comments/advice, I'm still a beginner although I am already addicted.
Looking awesome! I have long thought of putting peppers up on the roof next to my apt but I don't think my landlord would like that. Ingenious to get them in the sun!
:welcome:  to the forums, and very well done, you nailed it the first time around.
Good luck with the rest of your season, and enjoy your new hobby / addiction.
Thank you guys for the warm welcome and kind words! It really made my day, this is truly a great community for spice lovers and growers.
Jeff H said:
Looks great, but why is it too late to start a Glog? People start them all year long. 
Thanks! Well I would have preferred to do a proper Glog to begin with, starting all the way back from seedling stage but I didn't know about this forum at that point and thus didn't take any pictures except for a few ones I sent to friends but has since been removed (I think)
I will do one next season when I am also planning on growing more variety and a little more exotic ones
Capsicum Select said:
Looking awesome! I have long thought of putting peppers up on the roof next to my apt but I don't think my landlord would like that. Ingenious to get them in the sun!
Cheers! Thats the the benefit of having a house I guess,  you can always try to bribe him with a couple of superhots no?  ;)
Jamison said:
Awesome! Anybody every wonder if your growing bud up there? That would be my first instinct, lol.
I dont have access to the roof except through a window, and I always feel like a criminal going out there, especially early in the morning or when I get back from work. So I try to do really obvious and casual with a beer in hand (even have a couple of flip flops waiting on the roof) to negate any suspicion about burglary. As for bud, yea, all houses here are in really close proximity and 3 of my neighbors just have to look out of their window and they will have a clear view of what is growing, the grow can also be seen from the street below... but yea it has crossed my mind as well. Cheers!
Update 6th of July
Overview, (its 3 bhuts and 4 habs)

Habs (choclate I think)


More habs, bad photo but notice the tightly growing pods to the left, its like 5 or so clumped togheter

Bhuts, gonna have a shit ton of these

Overview from otherside
spicy_echo said:
Wow on a hot tin roof.... go figure
Lol, well we had a terrible rain season this year so I'm afraid they haven't really benefited from the roof more than better sun exposure although that has been scarce as well. Now when proper summer has begun I'm afraid it will be way too hot up there, I might move them soon.