sun too much sun?

This is my first grow season and I have about 12 superhots that are about 2 weeks old. I went from germ house to dixie cup into full sun? They have been in full sun for atleast a week and seems like there growing slow. I currently have a worm tea brewing and also wanted to know if I can put that on 2 week old sprouts.
I will post pics soon as I get home

Any help is much appreciated.
Actually when you go to direct sunlight should kind of harden them off slowly, giving them direct sunlight jsut a few hours the first day, than slowly increaseing over the week.
Your plants will love the worm juice. Just dont over do it of course. Are you soil injecting or foliar spraying?
Your plants will love the worm juice. Just dont over do it of course. Are you soil injecting or foliar spraying?
worm juice wull be for soil and foilar spray. Hopefully my plants take off! My choc hab has over 100 flowers but they wont pollinate. Looks like I will be hand pollinating