food Tortillas with minced meat, beans and 7pod

Preparation time: around an hour (less with canned beans )
Ingredients :

beans : 250g (I had them frozen)
400g minced meat (got mixed beef-pork because it costs less and it's good)
tortillas (or italian piadina)
onion (smaller than the one in the picture)
tomato puree
garlic (i put 3 cloves)
cumin (if you like)
black pepper
7pod (small but enough to have fantastic taste!)
bread (to mop up the pan, best part of cooking!)
I had boiled the beans for 40 minutes on salted water (cooked depending on what you have, i think you can put directly in the pan if pre-cooked canned ones) .
In the meantime i prepared the rest: cut onion, mixed with black pepper and salt and made them sweat a little on a bit water, i also cut garlic, sage , rosemary and 7pod , i put the oil in the onion and i added the ingredients just cut with cumin (avoidable if you do not like it) .
The protagonist :


Cooked a bit then put the meat. Put more salt. Go on till meat is nearly completely cooked.
Variation: you could also pre-cook the meat and then remove the liquid, i think it is healthier and perhaps tastier if done properly
Then i added tomato and salt, after 5 minute the the beans too (and possibly more salt if needed), cook another 5 minutes (to tell the truth i have added other tomato because i was not satisfied).
Then you could put some extra virgin olive oil (i didn't but it would have been good)
Here is the progress:

I've put also some gorgonzola (blue cheese) just because i had it easy and it's good:

Then I bent (rather badly) and i ate (quite well):

PS: sorry for bad grammar, i am not english and i'm not used to english cooking terms in particular.
Chewi said:
Deliciousness!!!!!!!!!!! Gimme some! :cheers:
Gladly if i could! :D
PepperDaddler said:
Is that a Gif? How did you do that?
I've used Photoscape. If you have the images it's very easy and fast, 2 minutes and you are ok. I've uploaded the files with
Here it is a tutorial:
In general you have a smaller size with the total of single images than the animated gif, is a very good service, but they could cancel the images sooner or later.;)