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Total newbie growing Bhut Jolokias and Trinidad Scorpions

Hey guys, long time reader, first time poster. So the long and short of it is that I work at a Hydro store in California. That being said I have access to basically any nutrient line, soil, or equipment need I may have. Now I have grown various plants before but never peppers. Our store had been meaning to set up a demo of a DWC or Flood and drain set up in a tent so our customers could see how it is done and we can offer classes around it. We were lucky enough to have one of our customers bring in some freshly sprouted plants he had in 1 inch rock wool cubes which he gave to us. We understand that plants are living things and every plant, even clones of the same one can have very different needs, so I am here to ask the experts for advice on what kind of set up (DWC or Flood and Drain or smart pots and soil) Nutrients/Fertilizers( name one we probably carry their line) feeding schedule, and lightning schedule we should use.
Alright so where do we stand at the moment:
We transfered the 1 inch cubes into 6 inch rock wool cubes (4 different brands so we could do sort of side by side comparisons)
We soaked the rockwool cubes in phed water (Phed 6.5-7 or so)  and a small dose of vitamin b1.
The cubes are under a vegetative 6400 spectrum led with the output that easily matches a 600 watt hps in terms of lumens.
The plants are anywhere from 1-5 inches tall but for the past 3 weeks have demonstrated no growth, no yellowing or browning of the leaves, some taning but that is it.
So I guess the questions are as follows:
What line of nutes do you recommend and what do you recommend as a feeding and watering schedule?
What lighting schedule would you use?
What method of growing (DWC vs Flood and drain hydro vs soil) would you recommend, and which soil if you choose that option?
And any other general advice, whether it be common mistakes newbies make or things you see even experts over look.
Thanks in advance for the help and I look forward to updating the community on our progress.
As a soil grower I can recommend 18/6 lighting and I use 1000 watt and I mix my own soil but Fox Farm or 404 is decent if you decide for soil just add more perilite. Peppers don't like wet feet. Nutes I use Alaskin Fish, seaweed, epson salt
I am no expert seeing as its my 3rd year growing this year, however last year I had a great year growing in 7gal containers with Pro Mix BX with Bat Guano mixed in.