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Touch Wood - Success at last.

I really cannot say how happy I am with some success finally.

These seedlings are about 4-5 months old ... they just sat there, with their seed leaves, while every chilli around them died ... and they finally, for no reason, last week, started growing and growing fast. A week ago they had only seed leaves.

Brain Strain




These are the only two seedlings left from the first 3 tries. I know its a far cry from the hundreds that I lost, left with only two ... but I am happy, the two I wanted most.

Big thanks to Neil @ Thehippyseedcompany who has kept me supplied with seeds to kill. *I will need to order more, I am sadly not kidding.

& Burningtastebuds who gave me a good dozen 6" high plants.

Big sorry to Candice @ Wildfire Chilli, I promise I will try really hard not to kill them all next year if PRF sends me more :P

But yeah, I am happy with my two plants I grew from seed. :onfire:

PS. If I jinx myself I will be so pissed.
^^^^^what Nova said^^^^^^^
I hope they grow into bountiful plants. It takes a lot of determination to stick with them through that. Hopefully you figured out the cause and it is easily correctable.

Only advice I can give for next time, give em lots of light and keep em moist! Don't over water them but also don't let them dry out!
Good news and I really don't care anymore news :)

My mum bought some capsicum plants from Bunnings and planted them near my chillis a few months ago, they had a kind of fungal rot on them and it spread to all my plants. Fun times! All my mature plants now have no pods but beautiful big green leaves (The ones I over-wintered from last year - no superhots, just habs and things like that). Below is some of the damage done. Had a mate come around and spray it them all with anti-fungal stuff, picked off all the pods that were left.


Brain strain is going good ...


As is the Barrackpore!


I am not sure if they will reach maturity before winter, but I will throw them under lights if I have to. I want superhots damnit!


Also on another note, had two horticulturists come around and take a look. Conclusion is that it is a fungus in the soil that killed all my seedlings, where from? No body knows. They think it might have came in the seedling mix from bunnings or perhaps picked up elsewhere.

That being said ... the best thing I can do now is get more seeds to plant for next season, wash everything with bleach, buy new soil and microwave the hell out of it to kill anything.

Counting down the days, about 6 weeks until I plant the seeds for next season! They are going under lights over winter, everything is being done by the book this time.