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seeds tough to germinate?

I have been experimenting with a germination setup and trying some varieties early (bored and WINTER crazy), and have close to 100% germination...except for Aji Pineapple and Brazilian Starfish. I only have a few seeds of each and really want to grow them this year. Any hints? I would hate to have none germinate and miss out on growing them.
Keep ur medium moist and the temps between 82°and 85° and be patient. You can also soak the seeds in water overnight before planting.
Make sure your seeds don't have any hidden nasties. Soak for a bit in a combo of water and hydrogen peroxide to kill off any that may linger.
I sprout seeds between two damp coffee filters in a clear plastic container with a lid. The coffee filters are more dense than a paper towel, so the roots are less likely to dig into the fibers. As soon as the root peeks out, I move it to a small cup with a growing medium in it. This way I KNOW it sprouted successfully. The rest is as rg said above: keep the medium moist. But don't keep it too wet; bottom-water and don't let the water reach the surface. Keep a fan on it to both strengthen the stem and help prevent the damping off fungus. Not a hard fan, but keep air circulating.
I'm doing chamomile tea as I write this. I haven't triedb it yet but I've heard it works as an antiseptic and it softens the seed and it makes it easier to germinate.

I have seed for both, lmk if you get any to sprout if not PM me your addy and I can send you some.
