In my wife's Appalachian Farming / Cooking group, it is really common to receive inquiry about tours and open houses. I am curious to know from both growers and producers, is this a common business practice? I think it could be fun, but damn there would have to be a lot of cleaning and clearing before I could pull it off.
Step 1. - Haul away the broke down car that has sat for five years.
Step 2. - Move or fix broken tractor that has sat for two years.
Step 3 - Fix or move things when they break down.
Step 4. - Put up signs explaining the pig might eat your tires.
Step 1. - Haul away the broke down car that has sat for five years.
Step 2. - Move or fix broken tractor that has sat for two years.
Step 3 - Fix or move things when they break down.
Step 4. - Put up signs explaining the pig might eat your tires.