drying-smoking Traeger Pellet Grill Chipotle

Has anyone made chipotle on a pellet Grill? I have a small Traeger Pellet Grill looking to make chipotles. 1st timer looking for advice!
Yes, but not the entire process. I believe the Traeger's lowest temp is 180F. At that temp, you'll turn your jalapenos black in about 3-4 hours. You can get a cold smoke device (smoke daddy, AMAZN smok er) for lower temps and more smokiness. Otherwise, I would recommend smoking ripe red japs for about 2 hours max on the Traeger's lowest setting (watch for signs of over cooking), and finish them off in a dehydrator (set at 100-105F). It usually takes me 48-72 hours to fully dry thick walled peppers. I use inexpensive Nesco style dehydrators. Pellet grills tend to impart a light smoke flavor, if that's what your after. If you want more, look at those cold smoke inserts mentioned above. Good luck!