• Everything other than hot peppers. Questions, discussion, and grow logs. Cannabis grow pics are only allowed when posted from a legal juridstiction.

Transplanted some tomatoes today

Into containers. A mix of dirt (that is a mix of dirt, compost and potting soil along with roots of plants that grew in it 8-12 months ago), finished compost, horse manure and used Ferti-lome potting mix. Seven gallon pots.

Transplanted 12 Celebrity, 4 Trust and one Brandywine. Still have about another 17 to go, but this is a start!

As I understand it; you're going for tons, literally, to sell, so I'm way smaller than you. I'm going for 8 plants or so for personal consumption and give aways.
I've got 2 plants in the ground and just transplanted 3 more to pots (5 gal.). These damn things are as much of a challenge as chinense over here. The only name on the seeds is "Seeda Tomato". I think they're an Italian plum type. I'm in west central Thailand and it's just too hot for most types that do well in the west. Up north they grow a cherry type which is delicious and sweet.
I'm going to attempt to sun dry any excess (I hope) and juice up a good number as well. Cheers.
You have a lot of space for toms... :D

I've learned my lesson, I will never grow more than ten indeterminate tomato plants ever again :D
siling labuyo, i've got a few indeterminates starting right now. lol. i'm gonna end up putting these babies in the ground eventually.
As I understand it; you're going for tons, literally, to sell, so I'm way smaller than you. I'm going for 8 plants or so for personal consumption and give aways.
I've got 2 plants in the ground and just transplanted 3 more to pots (5 gal.). These damn things are as much of a challenge as chinense over here. The only name on the seeds is "Seeda Tomato". I think they're an Italian plum type. I'm in west central Thailand and it's just too hot for most types that do well in the west. Up north they grow a cherry type which is delicious and sweet.
I'm going to attempt to sun dry any excess (I hope) and juice up a good number as well. Cheers.

I'm hoping to grow the year-round! I have 80 plants (plus a few extras) in the garden, 20 upstairs and will have 33-34 in the garden/then greenhouse. Then later this year, another 50 upstairs. Then next spring, if a deal goes through, about 3,000 in a garden. Yeah, that would be tons!

And today! Only another six - I had to work until 8 pm and it takes time to mix the dirt, compost, potting mix and horse manure, as well as water the pots. But six Brandywines have joined the fold.

Getting closer to being done, but at the same time running out of used potting mix and horse manure! Added six Cabernet today - have four more to go. Had the daylight lasted, I would have finished!

I may have stumbled upon a great potting mix. It's been 5 days, with temps in the low 90s and mostly very sunny days and the soil is still moist - dark - even on the top of the containers. Not a single transplant has died or is even looking weak.

Trying to envision what a garden that had good soil to begin with, but then get 2" each of horse manure and compost added to it - wow!

But then again, I try to remind myself, it is another two months until harvesting can start - at the least!

Spoke too soon. The soil is staying moist but this has been the hottest week in the last two years with highs in the mid-upper 90s. My outdoor thermometer has regularly been reading in triple digits and it is in the shade - with the bright sun it is much hotter.

Six of the smaller plants died. They had been hardened off for two weeks but not in this kind of heat.
