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Transplanting while flowering


eXtreme Business
Since several of my peppers are flowering right now, I'm wondering if it's safe to transplant them. I have the 3-gallon root bags I bought a couple weeks ago, and was wondering if it's OK to transplant the plants into the root bags now. or should I wait until another time to do it? :think:
You might sacrifice some pods but in the end you still get some in return. I just transplanted 5 plants 2 weeks ago. Now that i moved them to a better location i have like 100s of more flowers on them than when they were originally at
OK, cool. Thanks guys :) :cool:
Since I have them indoors at all times under grow lights, does that still apply?
Looking at it from a completely mechanical point of view with minimal pepper experience, I shall assume the main issue with transplanting is that you risk destroying the roots. The roots pull water up to replace the water lost in the leaves.

If you're shining a warm light on the leaves they will pull more water as it is lost, and if the roots can't sustain that much water movement then you crush your peppers, see them driven before you, and hear the lamentation of their stamen.

If the roots stay mostly intact then there's minimal risk.
These warnings are off the mark. I have transplanted many, many chiles from hydro to soil when flowering without incident.

Manzano clone/transplant while flowering hydro to hydro


Manzano transplant to hydro to soil while flowering

Doesn't the fact that it's hydro make transplanting much easier? I would imagine the roots just slide right out.