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Transportation damage...

I already asked this in a German forum and a lot of rumors and half-knowledge were discussed. So maybe somebody here has some experience or expertise to share. Are there some flight security engineers or bio-physicists on the forum? :idea::?::!:

Visitors from the US brought seeds to Germany. Those transported in check-in luggage didn't germinate, those transported in carry-on luggage did. Was that bad luck or radiation (maybe x-ray) or some other physical reason?
The x-ray doses are pritty low (nothing i would want to get exposed to, but I'm strange and parinoid according to some). Probably just bad luck.
I agree if the radiation was strong enough to kill your seeds I wouldn't want to eat a choc bar that was in suitcase and got checked!!! Would be far too dangerous imo.
Yep, but they do this while you stand next to the machine, so this could hardly be strong enough to destroy the viability of seeds! :)