Tricot growth pattern

Out of curiosity, for those of you who have grown a tricotyledon in the past, did they start to grow like "normal" as soon as true leaves appeared or did they continued on the 3-leaf pattern afterwards?? 
I have a Machu Picchu plant that went this way; new sets of leaves always coming by 3! Not taller or much different than any other varieties I have starded yet, except for its stem that is 1 1/2 to 2 times thicker. Beside the unusal look, I think this might become a real advantage over time (stronger plant). What are your experiences/thoughts on this?
I have a Zing, Wartryx and Apoc-Scorp that I let grow out from tricots. AS grew as any other plant but the Zing and Wartryz grew in a really neat radial pattern that you could observe only by looking down on them from the top...very spiral staircase like. i did not notice any increase or decrease in the heft of them at all, no difference in output, just a cool spiral pattern of leaf growth on a couple of them.
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Hum, interesting but mine isn't looking like yours at all, no radial pattern here. Every new set of leaves are growing on the same level but in a 3-way direction, forming a triangle. I expect it to get quite bushy when the "Y" will appear. Probably won't need to be topped but we'll see!
For the plants that I have grown, it seems to vary. Some will continue to grow with the slightly radial or swirled node structure others will out grow it entirely. Haven't tried saving seed from them to see if it is heritable or not.  
Edaxflamma said:
For the plants that I have grown, it seems to vary. Some will continue to grow with the slightly radial or swirled node structure others will out grow it entirely. Haven't tried saving seed from them to see if it is heritable or not.  
Thanks for your input! I topped mine last week; will see soon how he'll react to his new haircut! Depending on its production level and pod's quality I might isolate some flowers and save seeds hopping to figure out about the heredity next year
The only thing I would say is keep an eye on the plant's density. Sometimes with the extra nodes the leaves will get so congested you can have issues with light penetration, humidity, and mold. I would be interested to see some photos of your plant once it bounces back and gets to the fruiting stage. 
Edaxflamma said:
The only thing I would say is keep an eye on the plant's density. Sometimes with the extra nodes the leaves will get so congested you can have issues with light penetration, humidity, and mold. I would be interested to see some photos of your plant once it bounces back and gets to the fruiting stage. 
The internode space is ok since the 3 leaves are growing at the same level on the stem (no radial pattern) but I will definitely keep an eye on that. I'll try to remenber to post a pic in a week or two. Leaves are curling up badly since a couple of days so not really photogenic right now!!
I had 3 Coty Goats Weed sprout about 3 years ago. It grew structurally normal but it grew thicker, faster, bigger, taller and bushier. Pods were bigger as well. I was impressed with this growth that I’ve selected seeds from this plant for the following season and from now on. This year planted ten seeds and three 3 Coty and one twins sprouted and others were normal but with same fast growth. I feal the genetics are stronger with 3 Cotys . I’ve had a few other 3 Coty from other peppers and I select seeds from these for the following season, always stronger and bigger growth.

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