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pod trinidad chocolate 7pod douglah

hey all
a couple of months ago i was out of peppers and i bought some dried ones on this site
i kept the seeds and after a lot of trying a got one sprouted
in my growglog on the dutch pepperforum somebody said it is not a trinidad chcolate 7pod douglah cause it doesnt exicist
its either trinidad chcolate or 7pod douglah he said, and he knows what he's talking about
perhaps somebody can tell me more on what plant i got


i got one very small one ripe and they are def brown, or douglah or chocolate :P
dont think he was talking bout the brown one,
he said that 7pot douglah is something else than the trinidad chocolate
and u say they are the same, like i tought in the first place
hehe looks like he's got it on the wrong end then
  The chocolate 7 and douglah are different peppers.  I have had chocolate 7's from my buddy wayright. They were more elongated and less pungent than the Douglah. More bhutish tasting as well. 
 I would say Douglah as well. 
ah ok, so there is a difference..
mayby i have to wait till i get some to ripen! 
dont think they are very thinwalled, thicker than my tasmanian habs. 
i'll be posting some pics when the times comes,[SIZE=12.727272033691406px] mayby we will come to know more than[/SIZE]
[SIZE=12.727272033691406px]its a good yielder dispite catterpillars[/SIZE]
looks more like a douglah.  The 7 pot brown is a different type.  I have a 7 pot brown growing and the pods looks different than yours do.  I'm at work but i post some pics in the morning for u to see.
romy6 said:
  The chocolate 7 and douglah are different peppers.  I have had chocolate 7's from my buddy wayright. They were more elongated and less pungent than the Douglah. More bhutish tasting as well. 
 I would say Douglah as well. 
+1 Jamie :) I've grown the Chocolate 7 last season and the shape of the pod was way different then from the Douglah. Although mine were more 7pot shaped with a smooth texture.
hey stefan ;)
yea mine are a bit gnarly and bumpy
i powderd that small one i got previously, good taste and superhot
@jedisushi06  thanks, glad to hear and see everyone's opinion
just find this by clicking in the marketplace, totally wasnt looking for it :surprised:
i pretty shure these are the same that i bought back then
actually i swapt some seeds with a friend on his request,
i told him the seeds are bad quality, but he saw it like a challenge, hopefully he get some sprouted