Trinidad Perfume

Trying to find a job for a friend, have been growing milder peppers.  Goal being to have her pitch local chefs.  Figure the super hots are far beyond what most people want at a restaurant.  Most hots are kind of ordinary looking.  So have been growing mild peppers to compare things that would look good on a salad.  Just tasted Trinidad Perfume for the first time and I think I have our first winner.
Picked it with a tiny bit of green left on the pod.  It was tremendously crunchy.  There is a bit of the sweet pepper flavor, but the citrus flavor is very distinct.  There is either no heat or so little I can not taste it.  I love heat, but I love this pepper too.  Thing is, I found myself thinking this would be great for dipping in a thick hot sauce.  Kind of the opposite of other peppers that I dip in blue cheese sauce.


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I am afraid no sales this year.  I need the seed stock.  But if I get to first frost and have collected enough, I will see if we can trade what I have extra for something.
I've grown trin perfs for several years, though not this year. You'll note that they're slightly orange when under-ripe - they are truly yellow when fully ripe. I'm actually not a huge fan of them raw. They're ok, that way, but I prefer others over them, hands down. However, I absolutely love them candied. I could eat candied Trin Perfs all day for a week and not get tired of them. Ok, honestly, that would never happen, but you get the idea. I hope you and your friend do very well!
Couldn't get mine to grow this year so I'm a little jealous.
Officially they do have heat but it's below 500SHU, making them milder than paprika.
geeme said:
However, I absolutely love them candied. I could eat candied Trin Perfs all day for a week and not get tired of them. Ok, honestly, that would never happen, but you get the idea. I hope you and your friend do very well!
That sounds like an excellent idea.  Like a lemonish cowboy candy.
I grew 4 plants of the Perfume this summer, I just put two pounds of them in my freezer, I use them to augment my hot sauces and jellies.  My Habanero Jelly is always too hot so they say, so I put 6 of these Trinidad perfume in with 2-3 Habanero's and I get a great flavor and manageable heat for my friends. 
If I make jelly for myself I will put 3 Habs and a Yellow Cardi Scorpion in it.   
Anyways, the Perfume is a great pepper! 
I grew some bishops crown this year by accident (they came as "red scotch bonnet" in a bonnet rainbow pack from PepperJoe) and they were excellent on salad. Throwing out another option for a cool shaped, non-hot pepper.

I'd love to try some Trini perfumes next year.
geeme said:
I've grown trin perfs for several years, though not this year. You'll note that they're slightly orange when under-ripe - they are truly yellow when fully ripe. I'm actually not a huge fan of them raw. They're ok, that way, but I prefer others over them, hands down. However, I absolutely love them candied. I could eat candied Trin Perfs all day for a week and not get tired of them. Ok, honestly, that would never happen, but you get the idea. I hope you and your friend do very well!
What other varieties to you prefer over them?

And do you have a recipe, or general method for candied peppers? I'm trying to picture what they are, but I've never had them.
I had no luck with my perfume plant either this year but then I didn't start it until late.

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festering said:
I had no luck with my perfume plant either this year but then I didn't start it until late.

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Ye, mine are just now coming ripe.  I dont think I put it in the ground all that late, but if not for the longer season this year it wouldnt have made it.  Thinking maybe it is very long season.
I got mine from a garden centre, looking very poorly and verging on dead. Nursed it back to health only for green fly to set it back and now I am just starting to get some flowers. :(

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