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triple atomic wing challenge... hardly

Nigel said:
And that`s what happens when someone can eat the hottest peppers there are. Kill the challenge set for mere mortals!!!
haha, yeah you heard that waitress, she thought I was CRAZY
Double Burn said:
So did you win anything for defeating the challenge?  Not that it was a big deal for you or anything . . .
was supposed to get a free T-Shirt but yeah. they didnt have any in my size. so they pretty much said SORRY BUD!
It sucks you didn't get a prize for doing this challenge so well....I find it kinda odd that they didn't have a shirt for ya that wouldn't fit as you seem like a standard size. Oh well nice job and the wings looked good its been awhile. :drooling:
Hophead said:
It sucks you didn't get a prize for doing this challenge so well....I find it kinda odd that they didn't have a shirt for ya that wouldn't fit as you seem like a standard size. Oh well nice job and the wings looked good its been awhile. :drooling:
ah well i was just happy to do it. delicious wings though.
Something must have changed there.  Those look NOTHING like the ones I had when I did that challenge ten years or so ago.  It was a dozen and they were drenched in a very dark colored sauce.  Sorry you didn't get a shirt.
JayT said:
Something must have changed there.  Those look NOTHING like the ones I had when I did that challenge ten years or so ago.  It was a dozen and they were drenched in a very dark colored sauce.  Sorry you didn't get a shirt.
yeah, at least they were kinda good though.
GnomeGrown said:
Like a boss, Pex!
You should get them to buy some of your sauce.
haha that would be something wouldnt it
Since they didn't have a shirt for you, you should have asked for a free refill and seen the response that got from the server!