food Tropical Salsa

I decided to try making a nice tropical salsa today... I guess it could almost be considered a chutney. Extremely easy to throw together, and extremely tasty.

I used:

2 cups chopped pineapple
1 cup chopped mango
2 diced orange habaneros
dash of Jamaican Allspice

Throw it all together, shake it up, and eat with tortilla chips. We used multigrain scoops.

Edit: This also goes well over smoked ham.

Man when you say "diced" you mean it! That's a mighty fine dice you got there. Dash of Allspice probably gives it the winning touch! Good eats man.
Yeah... I love allspice. I am a big sucker for sweet and hot. Mango habanero is one of my favorite combos... and throw in some pineapple... it is to die for! :)