trying my hand at seafood boil.

Over the next few weeks I'm gonna work on some differant mixes and once i get what i like I'd love to send out a few samples if you like to boil crab or shrimp, anything bigger would require 4 lbs ill maybe send out a 1lb tester. But ill post updates. Thanks for taking the time to read look forward to some takers....
What kind of spices are you thinking?
What kind of spices are you thinking?
Well I'm using a base of what we cook with when we cook our crawfish that is secret lol, after a recent failure to provide a repeat customer with what they deemed face numbing hot crawfish, i decided to incorporate something most people don't offer on the market and that's all these super hot ass peppers. I've got very limited supplies right now but i do have some 7 pod, t. Scorpions, and some bhut powders. But the main focus would be blending more and more peppers to achieve a variety of flavour and for those who dare try a hot they have more than likely never imagined. And hopefully ill be able to work with a few people who i can buy products from and be friends that too me is the true love behinde making something quality that people love.
I'm game. Are you planning on doing this commercially or just for yourself and friends? I can review it if you wish.
Nothing big at all just like a 5 lb batch so i can keep it consitant once divided.. plus I'm going to need to have peppers. I've gotten some fantastic stuff from thepepperlover but i just lost my full time job so catering is my main source of income which ain't bad but spending is tight. But if you like the boil i can always mix up something to fit the application. Given i can keep a relatively steady flow, because i can't grow enough plant's to keep me going. I know there are a few member who have some limited supplies that once i can i will buy em up...

But ill keep things up to date, and i will start working on it.. I'm looking forward and glad to have some speedy feed back.
Sorry to hear about the job been there and still there, ain;t building anymore overpriced condos in Orl... I do like the idea of a boil... even a big bunch of mud bugs.... :beer:
Oh yea man i love getting some buddies together and boiling about 4lbs. May is when i hold my annual crawfish boil now that's a good time and for sure gives me a chance to cook some spicey.
Don't fret i haven't dissapeared but i did lose my job so it's been really tough trying to stay afloat with only one income and a woman and child lol but i will not forget and i will update and as soon as i can focus i will jump on the ball.. I've still got some great super hot powders i've recieved from a few members and I do not intend let anything go unrecognized.
Crab or shrimp? Which seafood choice is easier to make for a first timer? I love both seafood dishes so it does not matter.

Orlando Seafood Restaurant

My fav seafood is salmon but...shrimp, baked, fried, deep fried, steamed, saute'd, stuffed, bacon wrapped, grilled, trumps crab every time. I love my red king crab and blue crab but fried shrimp taco's rock harder than penitentiary steel!