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Tuppaware sprouting--help

So after having my cat destroy my one and only seedling, i checked on my tuppaware setup. I have a brainstrain sprout that just popped, im going to wait a day, but how do i go about planting this?

Do roots first come out and i plant it downwards or does something else comeout first?
Thanks in advance
-Joseph Stalin
Well, the roots go down and the leaves go up. Let the little feller grow for a few days in the 'tuppa' then spoon it out into its own container, with all the surrounding dirt.

Also, post a picture so we can all enjoy the action... :cool:
Well, the roots go down and the leaves go up. Let the little feller grow for a few days in the 'tuppa' then spoon it out into its own container, with all the surrounding dirt.

How long is a few days?

The one of the right i think is older, but it has some fuz on it, the one on the left is younger without fuzz.

So do i plant them or leave for a few more days?


Heres a topview, if its to fuzzy that means i got to close so my bad :!
Ohhh--I thought you were originally talking about seedlings in dirt in Tupperware. Now I see you are just germinating in the Tuppa.

I like to plant cup-sprouted seeds as soon as they pop. Put them 1/4-in deep in growing medium. Try to orient the white root down, but plant will correct itself, so don't sweat it too much. It will take a few days for the plant to actually grow and then emerge from the medium. Keep it warm during this time. When they emerge, reduce the bottom heat and get it under the lights.

Another approach: Some people wait until they actually see green coming out of the seed shell. If you wait that long, it is more important to make sure the white root goes down and anything green goes up. Use a toothpick to make a little hole and carefully put the plant inside, then water carefully to settle. That's way too tedious for me to take this long approach, but it does work. Some actually wait long enough for the first (cotylendon) leaves to develop, and place the top of the plant slightly out of the top of the dirt.

So try it a few ways and develop your own favorite method. Good luck... :cool:
If you had to guestamate how long it will be until i see green, how long do you think? Its been a couple of days and i now have two brainstrains and ghost sprouting :) there still all white and i think im going to go with until i see green. I honestly do not want to screw these little guys up :(
Keep them moist, they will develop in the cup to a green stage. I'll guess 3 to 7 days, depending on variety and your heat level.

You'll see in most cases, the roots will grow all twisty, upside down, and backwards the longer they stay in the cup. This makes it harder to plant properly.

If you really wish to 'not screw it up' try both methods: plant a freshly germed seed into medium and compare to another one alllowed to green in the cup. Only then will you know what works best in your grow arena.

It is important to have a good growing medium that you put them in. Many of the plant mixes like Miracle Grow have some ferts already in there. The tiny seedling may not like to be hit with that right out of the gate. Some germinated seeds will die almost immediately on transfer. It is better to have a fine mix, not chunky and no ferts for this first transfer. IMO.

That's about all I can offer--you have moved to a procedural area that each grower must face themselves. Good luck... :cool:
I came home and one was green so i planted it roots down, a little bit of the green covered and the seed uncovered so the plant can shoot up
