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Twitch Streamer College Buddy Eating my hot Peppers Right Now 9:45pm set

Not sure what he will be playing, probably overwatch or counter strike, but he will be streaming tomorrow starting 4pm EST. Link below. I gave him the majority of my variety of peppers, 20 to be exact. Picture below. I call it the 20 levels of hell: 1. venezuealn tiger 2. cream fatalii, 3. shishito, 4. orange pumpkin 5. dulce sol 6. aji mango 7. brazilian starfish 8. aji pineapple 9. peruvian sereno, 10. aji cito 11. red thai 12. cgn 24360 13. cumari do para 14. yellow habanero 15. MoA Red SB, 16. Jim Weaver's red lightning habanero 17. MoA SB yellow 1 18. MoA SB yellow 2 19. My personal red cross 20. Jay's Peach Bhut Scorpion 
I can't guarantee he will eat them all in one night, but if not he will finish them. It will be funny, come watch!

Just an FYI, there's a space at the end of the link so it won't work. Just search for DebugThis on Twitch and you'll find it(in case OP doesn't update his post).
I'll try to catch it, should be good fun! :D
Ohjay said:
Just an FYI, there's a space at the end of the link so it won't work. Just search for DebugThis on Twitch and you'll find it(in case OP doesn't update his post).
I'll try to catch it, should be good fun! :D
thanks, I think i fixed it
Tried to but the DAY I tried couldn't connect think our time stamps are different. Will be try tonight would love to watch brother. What time 4:00 pm? So mad I missed it. Sorry brain dead lately :)
oldsalty said:
Tried to but the DAY I tried couldn't connect think our time stamps are different. Will be try tonight would love to watch brother. What time 4:00 pm? So mad I missed it. Sorry brain dead lately :)
yea it starts at 4pm EST. He is going to be eating them when I'm watching so I'll repost. Yesterday he could only handle 1 red MoA SB. Next is the Jim weaver's red lightning habanero. I think he's going to do 1 pepper a day until he reaches the jay's peach bhut scorpion. It was hilarious yesterday, his nose turned SO RED like rudolph haha
BigB said:
yea it starts at 4pm EST. He is going to be eating them when I'm watching so I'll repost. Yesterday he could only handle 1 red MoA SB. Next is the Jim weaver's red lightning habanero. I think he's going to do 1 pepper a day until he reaches the jay's peach bhut scorpion. It was hilarious yesterday, his nose turned SO RED like rudolph haha
Awesome thanks BigB!! :)
As it turns out, I offered two days ago to eat the Jim Weaver's Red Lightning Habanero with him and he made me fulfill that promise yesterday. Both him and I (I was on Skype) ate it. If you want to watch the recap, you can watch it here: www.twitch.tv/debugthis/v/72088031 go to 5:36:00 that's about when it starts. He even eats the MoA SB Yellow, and to my surprise it wasn't that hot for him, although he had ice cream. There will be more to come in the following days