pests Uh oh, I need Aphid killing tips!

HotSnow said:
Yeah I've been thinking about getting some ladybugs, but I live outside so from what I understand, there is no guarantee that they will stick around.  Thanks for all the tips...I will definitely look into all of this, and I'm sure something will help!
its best if you release them early in the morning they move slower and are more likely to stick around and propagate 
HotSnow said:
Yeah I've been thinking about getting some ladybugs, but I live outside so from what I understand, there is no guarantee that they will stick around.  Thanks for all the tips...I will definitely look into all of this, and I'm sure something will help!
they are more likely to stick around and lay eggs if you release them before the sun rises and they move slower sun heats them up and they take off. the larva is what ya want they cant fly away
Semi-natural (plant extract)
Kills them dead, sometimes a second application needed in a week or so to kill off the hidden egg hatches.
Lady bugs work a treat, but they starve indoors after the aphids are munched, and you have carcuses everywhere,
I'm in a WW3 battle with the little buggers right now. I started with dishwashing soap, and water spray. Then progressed to Safer (.012% Pyrethrins) next Garden Safe (.02% Pyrethrins and .2% Piperonyl Butoxide). Now I'm up to Eight Insect Control Garden Dust (Permethrin .125%) I have 5 Ghost, 3 Thai, 3 Ring of Fire Cayenne, and 3 Habanero plants all about 120 days old. They were fine outdoors all summer but without the natural predators chaos rules :( My Ghosts are just begining to set fruit and I'm not going to be friggen happy if I lose the war. It may be aerial malathion spraying next!
Dutch gramma's remedy : 

Mix WHITE SPIRIT with old fashioned GREEN SOAP 50-50.  (Not a synthetic soap). Shake well.

Spray on aphids. Kills aphids (and other crawlies)  dead guaranteed.
I buy it in concentrate, mix as needed, and totally cover every nook and cranny.
DRT (dead right there)
Maybe again in a week or so for any eggs or hidden buggers in flowers or small leaves that were still rolled up.
Note, this is for inside plants, not outside ones.Predators take care of those.
Once they come inside and sprout bugs, once or twice is good for all fall and winter.
Glad you posted this sis. I'm worried about my overwinters and that they're going to contaminate my indoor grow. I haven't seen any aphids this year but i know there's some around. Lol.. My plants are next to the woods.

I'll be prepared! Look out you little bastards!
smileyguy697 said:
Glad you posted this sis. I'm worried about my overwinters and that they're going to contaminate my indoor grow. I haven't seen any aphids this year but i know there's some around. Lol.. My plants are next to the woods.

I'll be prepared! Look out you little bastards!
At this point I've got them semi-under control!  And yes, winter is going to be very interesting for you!  I lucked out on the whole winter thing being in Florida and all...but we all know you've got this :)