Unbelievable! Chicken Fried Bacon!!!

I just saw this on the Travel Channel Chowdown Countdown. This place is called Sodolak's in Texas. They actually serve six strips of chicken fried bacon with a side of gravy!!! I have to have this.


Here's a video.


I WILL be making this.
Where you been TB did this in a Throwdown. :)

TB would deep fry his hat if he could.
TB's chicken fried burger w/ chicken fried bacon:

I won't ever forget that thing! :lol:
Now that thing is a thing of fried beauty. BTW, just the other day I tried some chocolate covered bacon. It was incredible!
That thing needs to be on TV, or a menu somewhere.
Pepperfreak said:
I think as good as it looks, someone should email it to TB's Cardiologist. :lol:

Too late! I already showed him the pics of the Chicken Fried Burger w/ Chicken Fried Bacon. He croaked on the spot! Might have been more out of love and awe though.....
Autopsy revealed a 6 inch long polish kielbasa lodged in his left ventricle!