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Unidentified Habanero Strain, if it is a habanero. HELP!

Ok i bought 2 habanero plants that are now comming in a deep red with a hint of orange almost like a sunset color but mostly red and iv been making chili powders for a couple years now, i scrog grew em and the grew HUGE and i grew lemmon drop chilis which i made to grow 20 new stalks each from 4 chili plants and iv never seen chilis grow so huge! Im gona post pics up on photo buchet in a min but theres one habanero or so it was labled that at home depot and i put it in too late. And now the tip of the one is turning yellow like the lemmon drop chilis but doesnt have rhat pumpkin shape of any hab iv ever seen look, ill also post pics of the short stalks and all the new 20 new stalks it grew. Any help would be great!!

You know what i thought it did look like a Bhut to me at first too. But then it started to turn bright yellow like my lemondrop chilis that are surrounding the habs. The red orange (sunset habs i like to call em) make an amazing color when i made powder out of them.

And im sorry if its in the wrong forum i didnt know where else to go, my bad :/
Thank you for the input and when they finally turn ill post more pics.

I bought 2 hab plants from lancaster and there turnin out great as you can see but i had room so thats why that one i cant identify is from home depot. But iv never seen chili plants grow this big this year i guess because i scrog grew em, toppin em and tying each new stem grown down to the chicken wire amd then as the grew outa controll i had to cut the ties. I missed one on a habanero early in the season and ut choked half the plant and snapped it in half but now its bigger than ever! Every branch i lift up id PACKED with huge pumpkin like peppers that are turnin deep red with a hint of orange.
I get new strains every year of chili and Habaneros, and i have jars of powders of all the strains iv grown for the past 3 years.

Yea thats crazy that alotta people are gettin them like that from HD, thats why i get them from the Amish EVERY year. They have very healthy plants and their strains are what they say they are. They know what there doin! And i bring them samples of powders i make every year when i buy new plants and they absolutely love them. I take alot if pride in how i make my powders. I de-seed them, dehydrate them, coffee grind them, and filter the powder through a micron screen and its so fine! Maintains color and flavor, and also HEAT! Lol if youd like i can send you a sample because i dont have anybody around that likes hot peppers an id like somebody to sample and give me sum feed back. So message me if anybody would like a sample jar. :)

Also the powders are great for making hot sauce which i havnt gotten to accomplish yet :(. But id love to i just need sum critics.
Oh and heres that unidentified pepper today! Yesterday it was just yellow on the tip!
heres mine i got from kmart.... ORANGE HABs... all 3 are different
