Nov 1 tease
Some things we are working on are:
Better categorization: Lots of people have requested more forums, like Organic for example. I have always been hesitant to add more as there are already a lot. But what we will be doing is applying colored labels to posts. So, you would still be discussing in growing, but the post would have the Organic label. And if you clicked the label, you could see all of the Organic posts as a list. Think of them like sub-forums but they display also in the main with a designated label. That's basically what they are without the mess of extra sub-forums. When you form your post you will be able to select the most appropriate label, etc. If the label does not cover all you want to you can also add your own tags. Tags will also play a larger role in organization. We're trimming down and beefing up at the same time.
Trader feedback: eBay style member feedback where you can rate members (+) or (-) as well as leave a written review. Seed, pod sales, etc. The transaction would have have to occurred on the forum. Company ratings are different but coming too, ex:
Vendor ratings: A more Yelp type database of vendors listed alphabetically where one can rate with stars as well as leave a written review.
More databases: Other databases we discussed in the past are possible. Each database is a lot of work as well as upkeep. Recipe, Pepper Type, etc. Any database planned will be a work in progress after the initial forum updating.
Video gallery: A dedicated place to post those pepper videos! Think of it more like a youtube page part of THP, where you can browse and search videos with categories, labels, and tags.
Gallery: Improved photo gallery.
Better tools for Biz Members: This is ongoing, but improvements will be made to give our Extreme Biz members more tools and to give our regular members better exposure to our business members. Again, possibly something with the databases.
Extreme: Some of the above may be reserved for Extreme members, but most of this will be avail. to all. We will also be working on ways to give Extreme more benefits!
+Various improvements like tagging members, full mobile device compatibility, better notifications, better look, faster, bugs addressed, etc.
This is simply a tease of a lot that is to come. I hope some of this sounds exciting to you. Which part does?