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Unripe pods dropping

Hi. I was wondering if there is a common reason for unripe pods to drop prematurely?

Some of my Habs have started to drop green pods for some reason. It is late in the season now and this is the first time they have done this. Up to now, pod drop has been rare and production has been good.
I had this happen a bit late in the season with one of my plants. I would make sure that you are fertilizing properly first as it's possible that this is your biggest problem. Check your lower leaves for signs of nutrient deficiencies. Other than that it's natural for a plant to focus on only a few pods in conditions where it is getting lower than average light or heat levels. Usually the plant will just drop flowers rather than pods, but if resources are limited later in the season it could have aborted a few pods after they already started. I wouldn't be too concerned unless you are getting a ton of pods dropping off.
Usually when unripe pods are dropping off it's from insects or some kind of damage to the pods. The stem turns yellow and the plant aborts the pod after an insect chews a big hole in it. Is the stem connected to the pod yellow or is it still green? Did you check the pods for holes or damage? If the stem is still green and you can't find any damage to the pod or stem it could just be wind or an animal knocking the pod off. Improper pollination can result in pods with no seeds that the plant aborts as well.
Thanks guys. all your responses are viable causes, however, as Avon Barksdale suggests, I think it might be to do with insects as I am noticing more pods being attacked. Have been lucky this year compared to last year - but maybe that luck is running out.

Anyway, I will reflect on the watering and fertiliser as well.