misc Up against a lot of Laws - help

I've been asked to go into business ( cough cough ) with a long term mate who isn't listening to a word I'm saying regarding setting up.
Can anyone help with the following
I understand that , according to the food standards agency  YOU have register with your local council 28 days BEFORE you start trading.
Does this apply even for making testers for a market stall??
OK, you don't need a food hygiene cert ( He's the one making the stuff not me ) even though it's bets you do, but if you are going to make stuff at home to sell on a market
are there any exemptions you know of? 
Are there any bottling  companies in the UK ( preferably London ) that you recommend for VERY short runs as this would ( I think ) get around 'some' of the storage problems and food packaging laws.
Am I even going down the right path????
The other point I should have mentioned is:
Surely you need public Liability insurance in case some poor bugger chokes and dies on your merchandise , and no one is going to going to give you insurance until you all above board. Am I right?
Here in the US, there is an organization called SCORE.  It is retired business folk who can help answer questions.  Is there anything like that where you are?  The problem I have had with asking government is that often there is overlapping authority.  You ask one, it says you have to do X.  But they dont tell you about another agency that wants you also to do Y. 

Maybe you should google for co packers in your area.  They typically know all the laws and can take a recipe and turn it into a product legally.