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Upper leaves curling up

I've got several plants, all in the same mix under the same lights. I am using a miracle grow potting mix with some perlite mixed in for better drainage. I have not fed the plants yet... they were transplanted into new pots and soil mix about 2 weeks ago. I water when the pots get light and I can't feel any moisture in the first inch or so of soil. I keep a fan running on them and the surface dries within a day of watering.
Recently, one of my plants has started to get curling leaves up on the newer growth on the top of the plant. None of my other plants are curling.
If you shine a light through the leaves, you can see yellow spotting. This is happening on ALL my plants. Not sure if it's related to the curling on the one plant?
Here, you can see the curling on the upper leaves of the plant.

The new growth shooting out on the underside looks nice and healthy. No curling or spotting down here.

Here is the spotting I was talking about... it's not visible without a light source shining through the leaf.

Here is what the rest of the plants look like. These plants also have the yellow spots, but no curling.

Any help is appreciated! This is my first grow and the first problem I've run into! 
jedisushi06 said:
cut back on the nutes.

check for bugs too. 
I haven't fed them yet, they're in 0.14-014-0.14 Miracle Gro potting mix. They were potted up into new soil on October 20th. Maybe time to feed??
I didn't realize it had been so long since repotting them. I think they might be hungry!
I picked up some plant food and watered/fed them last night, so we will see how it goes.
I'd be leaning more towards a magnesium deficiency, but if all they have is .14 .14 .14 they're hungry. Calmag will be good. I think the leaves will restore with the magnesium. Those yellow spots could be related to manganese deficiency.
I give my plants 1ml of calmag in 2L of water now every fortnight.
Well, I couldn't find CalMag, but I did get my hands on some bonemeal for calcium. Also picked up some MiracloGro tomato food until I can get to the hydro store in town (they are a local business, so the hours aren't great)
About a week after feeding my plants the tomato food and bonemeal, the plant was already in *much* better shape. You can still see some of the damage that was left behind, but the plant seems to be pretty happy now. Since this picture was taken, the canopy has really spread out and this plant is putting out flowers like crazy! Hoping for some pods to set soon! (I am much too impatient for pepper growing!)
They didn't look too bad before, they look magnificent now. What's the break down of the tomato food you usedand what brand
Sarge said:
They didn't look too bad before, they look magnificent now. What's the break down of the tomato food you usedand what brand
I just picked up some MiracloGro tomato food at 18-18-21 from Wal-Mart :P