Upper leaves drying out?

Hello everyone, I'm having a bit of trouble with some of my plants. Usually when they begin to wilt the bottom leaves wilt first and it gradually moves up the plant. With some of my plants, the newest leaves at the top are wilting with perfectly fine leaves below. I was wondering if anyone has had this problem before. I really don't think it's underwatering because of the different behavior. The only thing I can think is that they're getting too large for their solo cups and the roots can't bring in enough water for all of the leaves so it's killing the new growth.

Unfortunately they can't go outside for another month and I can transplant into bigger pots until then, but I figured new growth dying isn't so bad if I can just trim it and let it grow after transplant.

I don't have pictures but there's nothing else visually wrong with any of the affected plants, but I appreciate all the help I can get
Do you have them under a grow light? Might be time to top/prune? Can you throw a picture up? Use imgur or photobucket, and copy the direct link from there.
     If your plants are still wilted even after watering them throroughly and giving them time to drink, it seems like something else might be the problem besides being in too small a pot. 
     Sometimes apical wilting, like you're describing, is a result of stress - mine have been doing that lately. Have you begun hardening off? If so, do they wilt in response to exposure? What kind of water are you watering with and when? If you were to (not implying anything) water dry, sun-warmed pots with cold, chlorinated water, that could cause shock symptoms like you're seeing.
     Have you popped one of the plants out of its pot to look at the roots? Root bound? Brown? Larvae, scum, villainy?
     Lots of things can stress plants.
     Good luck!
suchen said:
Do you have them under a grow light? Might be time to top/prune? Can you throw a picture up? Use imgur or photobucket, and copy the direct link from there.
Yeah my 40 or so plants are sharing 6 T8 lights. Here is a picture of one, the top leaves have dried and crack when I move them.


Hybrid Mode 01 said:
     If your plants are still wilted even after watering them throroughly and giving them time to drink, it seems like something else might be the problem besides being in too small a pot. 
     Sometimes apical wilting, like you're describing, is a result of stress - mine have been doing that lately. Have you begun hardening off? If so, do they wilt in response to exposure? What kind of water are you watering with and when? If you were to (not implying anything) water dry, sun-warmed pots with cold, chlorinated water, that could cause shock symptoms like you're seeing.
     Have you popped one of the plants out of its pot to look at the roots? Root bound? Brown? Larvae, scum, villainy?
     Lots of things can stress plants.
     Good luck!
Thanks. I haven't started hardening them off yet. I just water with room temp water from the faucet, same water I've been giving them. I've tried getting them out of the cups to check the roots but I'm worried about hurting them and the soil is too wet at the moment but I'll check when I can. Thanks for the help so far both of you, I'll keep updating if anything changes
     I don't have any first hand experience with it, but that looks a little like what others around here have diagnosed as fert burn. 
It's possible that it's from fertilizer. I was fertilizing them with about twice the normal dose on accident a few weeks ago but haven't since so it could be a delayed reaction
obeychase said:
Looks like a possible calcium deficiency
Could be, I've seen that calcium deficiency can stunt new growth and I haven't amended the soil with any calcium yet, figured I'd add some before I put them outside.