Urfa Biber (isot) BPC

Thanks to John Ford for writing an article on his blog about this pepper. We just brought this out this year thanks to a friend in turkey. This is seriously one of the best tasting peppers I have ever eaten. This thing is so sweet but yet when you get near the placenta they are cayenne heat. Super huge as well. When we were seeding these our hands were so sticky from the natural sugar I felt like I just got honey from a honeycomb lol
I'm sure by now most of you have heard of the Aleppo. The Urfa (pronounced Orfa) is from the same region and I would recommend this over the Aleppo.
Very cool. There are a bunch of neat varieties in Turkey. There is one that looks like a cow horn... not sure the name, I think they serve them with Adana Kababs. Mmm. grilled biber.
Yes there are. We have most of the known super hots but that type is getting so out of control in my opinion with all the naming, renaming etc etc..(different topic) that I think a lot of the better peppers like this one get lost. Ironically, we sell seeds, plants and fresh peppers but I actually am not a big fan of peppers :) The urfa however is one of the few on the exceptions list. This is seriously a very good tasting chile.
great  efforts in investing in the local native varieties, i am very appreciative to all native peppers.
i must try some of those now mike . thank you for sharing
is it from Turkey ?
Been hearing about these every where lately.  Looks like the mystery pod you and your better half sent me a few months ago.  Hmm.
did you only have one plant of it growing by chance?  She mentioned that the pod came off of a plant that you guys had one of. 
"The other is one we have one plant of... Very crisp and a sneaker"
oh no. we had about 2000 of these this year. The orange ones show are mini orange bell. The other I think are the mata frade. not sure about the single one. She will have to answer that.
The urfa are bigger than a fist
yea you're right on the other two. I asked her on facebook and that's all she said.  I got a couple seeds from it and labeled them Mystery McDermott lol