URGENT need help

Anyone know what I can do I've just got fruit fly again for the 3rd time and it's killing my season I've been spraying weekly and still getting them any tips or ideas
You need to kill the eggs. Wipe down and sterilize everything you can. Not sure what to tell you to do about the soil.
After that, cover the top of your soil with about a 1/2 of sand.  The sand will dry out very quickly after watering, and make them think the soil is dry.  They only like wet soil, so they will leave.
fungus gnats or actual fruit flies?
it matters because fungus gnat larva feed on root tissue, idk if fruit flies do, or perhaps they are the same insect. idk i dont ever get gnats.
imidicloprid will kill gnat larva, so will BT, so will a shit load of other larvacides, but imidicloprid will kill affirmativly anything eating the root tissue that day. if you pl ants are in a bad way ... you might go with the imidicloprid.
if you are just noticing the issue, bt will work fine, just take longer and have very little residual protection.
mosquito dunks are just BT right? with that in mind, id reccomend a powdered or liquid BT product  rather than  going through all the work of crushing those tablet things.
queequeg152 said:
fungus gnats or actual fruit flies?
it matters because fungus gnat larva feed on root tissue, idk if fruit flies do, or perhaps they are the same insect. idk i dont ever get gnats.
imidicloprid will kill gnat larva, so will BT, so will a shit load of other larvacides, but imidicloprid will kill affirmativly anything eating the root tissue that day. if you pl ants are in a bad way ... you might go with the imidicloprid.
if you are just noticing the issue, bt will work fine, just take longer and have very little residual protection.
That was my question too. Never had fruit fly issues. They are generally attracted to over ripe fruit.
How much real WORK is there in crushing a tablet?
Unicorn dust is easier right?
queequeg152 said:
mosquito dunks are just BT right? with that in mind, id reccomend a powdered or liquid BT product  rather than  going through all the work of crushing those tablet things.
actually about a 1/2 tsp water soak does just fine,lactose, dextrose, sucrose, mannitol, all break down in simple water

you only have to be 2% smarter then what your working with,doesnt matter what it is.
camz1492 said:
They are fruit flies not gnats
And my plants are nice and healthy
OK, help me understand how if all your plants are nice and healthy, how your season is being killed for the 3rd time then. Not making sense now.
They are either in jeopardy or they are not.
How about some pics, they would help big time.
TNKS said:
actually about a 1/2 tsp water soak does just fine,lactose, dextrose, sucrose, mannitol, all break down in simple water
you only have to be 2% smarter then what your working with,doesnt matter what it is.
cool so soak smush wait soak smush. or.... just buy the liquid shit and get on with your life.  why are we discussing this again?
I have 2 x diff fruit fly varieties doing there best to ruin my season. I have both QLD Fruit fly and Mediterranean fruit fly attacking everythhing.
So far the only thing that has worked is exclusion. I ordered little organza bags from ebay and cover each pod as soon as they start to form. Its a PITA.
The CERA trap i bought has caught 1 x whole fly.
I think the Eco Naturelure I am spraying works, but we have had so much rain it is hard to keep it applied.
So far I have picked about 30 pods and thrown away 200+ maggot infested reapers/ts cardi etc.....
I did not realise how bad it could get until growing these. Hit way worse than my tomatoes of season past.
But exclusion works. Plus check your pods every day, as soon as you see a sting mark, pick and dispose in a sealed bag.......
I am located in Sydney and this is a real problem this season as well. Ceratrap doesn't work well but malathion spray do. I dont like it as it indiscriminately kill the good bugs as well. Aphids usually followed after spray. Not much choices. I have literally resigned to it