Using PGR's (particularly GA3)

So I searched around and there's just a couple of topics about using PGR's and the threads are quite old. Anyways, I've become pretty interested in trying a PGR. In particular the PGR GA3 (Gibberellic Acid)
I'm not really looking to use it during the actual growing/fruiting  part, but for the seed germination part. I've been doing research for several days now and apparently it can reduce germ time greatly. GA3 can be found very cheaply now on eBay and Amazon. Usually around $10 for a 10gram sample. You can find the 90% pure that you have to dissolve using rubbing alcohol and then dilute with water, or you can buy 20% pure that is water soluble as well. The way I look at it is, say I treat 20 seeds with it and they don't germinate then its only 20 seeds. If they do germinate and germinate much quicker than I think it would definitely be worth $10. Plus 10grams would make way more solution than ever needed. Especially if you dilute it down to the 50-250 ppm that is recommended.
Has anyone on here tried this or thought about using it?
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