Value added 'gifts' and health code?

I am starting to make this year's pepper jams.  I am wondering about health codes and gifts.  Obviously, a person does not have to have a commercial kitchen to make holiday gifts.  But what if you want to send those holiday gifts to patrons of your business?  Not promote that you are doing it, not charge shipping or anything, just slip some into orders for other things.

I would put a sticker on them that say it was made in a farm kitchen and that it is a gift.  Is that pushing the line a bit?  Wish THP had an at feature, think this is up SalsaLady's alley.
I'm Here!  :lol: 
You're fine~ (OK , that may be debatable, but...) 
JUST KIDDING!!!!  xoxo
Jams are considered low risk which is why people can make them in their home kitchens and sell at FM under the Cottage Industry regulations.  Just do what you planned and put a sticker on them saying they were made in the farm kitchen or not make in a commercial kitchen, or... "from our kitchen to yours, a token of our appreciation for your patronage."  
And don't make the label look too official.  Definitely put the ingredients and Jam Name, maybe a description along with the disclaimer, but don't worry about weights, address, etc.  Just make it a nice looking label. 
That is kind of what I thought about gifting things.  But since it is outside the scope of normal business, couldnt find a thing about it.  You sent me some Mardigras beads with an order.  Looking for gift ideas in that department too.  The postage for a padded envelope vs. a small box is about the same.  Currently gifting fresh pods with seed orders.  Looking for ideas on other things to gift in a box instead of using padded envelopes.
AJ Drew said:
just slip some into orders for other things.

Is that pushing the line a bit?
Yes this is pushing the line. You are including it in a commercial order and one would assume, with every right to assume, any samples/gifts/freebies are made in accordance with the same health codes/standards as the product ordered etc. without having to look at labels, and even if noted, looks unprofessional/unsafe, even if a gift, imo. Sorry that's just my take. If I knew the vendor personally it would be different, as in a member here I am internet friends with. As in "Thanks for the holiday order I included some homemade jams, enjoy!" BUT if I did not know that person from here, and was an amazon order etc., I would not trust it and chuck it.
I know you have the best intentions. Jams for friends/customers that are friends and non-perishable/up-to-code products for customers.
Important distinction, Boss. 
I thought the intention was gifts for established patrons- "But what if you want to send those holiday gifts to patrons of your business"...I didn't catch the "slip something into the package"...with the possibility it could be for every customer.
If you want to include some surprise extras during the holidays for every order, definitely something safe/inedible/etc like a magnet, beads, bandana, whatever.  For Special VIP customers, then add the jam with the aforementioned notes. 
Thank you for your repeat order/continuing patronage, we hope you enjoy one of the fruits of our labors with this homemade jam.
Thank you for your [very large] pepper order.  Please enjoy this  homemade jam.
Something to note when thinking about Freebies- I include a freebie with every order of certain products.  It's not advertised, but comments have been made regarding the freebie.  I intend to keep including that freebie for all those orders for the foreseeable future.  If things occur where I cant include the freebie, then there's no skin lost as it was never part of the advertised item. 
Something I just thought of for freebies- I had some business card magnets made for pretty cheap, weigh nothing so it doesn't impact the shipping (like a jam would).  Used VistaPrint.   I'm wondering about some kind of chile pepper stickers?   No weight, cool looking, could have you're website printed on there....
I also have to imagine, a jar of jam, and a box of peppers, well the box now has to be a lot larger, and it's a lot heavier. I enjoy some freebies, and things that are really light weight. I have some pens, magnets, but "cooler" ones are can koozies, and bottle openers. ;) A bit more "rock n roll" and people use them in public and when entertaining, so free advertising. :)
"someday" I want to get keychains with (secret design ;) )  .......
I also was thinking of the packaging size and weight when including a jar of jam.  A jar to fit into a SFRB would be about 2 oz, which is a good sample size or maybe a taller skinny jar....
well, that's all the packaging decisions ajd~ gets the fun of making!   
After reading this, my brain drifted to calendars then playing cards.  I think I could pull off 12 really good photographs.  Not sure about 52.  Hmmmmm...  Kids think I should go with beads and have different ones for each holiday.
normal calenders' size doesn't fit into SFRB or other regional boxen.  
[the following questions are posted for your consideration in making decisions regarding promo materials.  Don't need a reply, just for consideration-]
Do you have the same customers buying the same things for every holiday, or regularly throughout the year? (the same customer purchasing 6-8 times a year?)  Which is where I would think different beads for every holiday would come into play or a hand made jam/value added item.  
Are the orders all different customers all the time through the year and not so many repeat customers?   
If most of your orders are one-offs, then pick a bonus item to include as you wish, make it work for multiple seasons and holidays, lightweight so as to not affect shipping rates, USEABLE!!! (key chain, Koozie, bottle opener, magnet, pen, )...but reasonable priced so you can afford a minimum order of 100 or so~....and not a handmade jam. 
novelty items can be in the range of $ .15 for a koozie to 3.00 for an engraved metal key chain with LED light -vs- $9.00 for an 8 oz jar of home made jam.  plus shipping.  Don't include something with a $13 value for one-off orders of $20!  
If you take the time and effort to make a jam, that is valuable and should be shared with valued customers and friends only.  not every JoeBlow. 
Other random comments~
I keep an eye on the orders and can usually recognize repeat names, even if it's from a few years ago.  But not always~~~ and may include something extra or work with them to get them something extra that's not available on the website.
If I see it's to an APO/FPO often I'll upgrade to a gift box, but it's at my discretion and what I can do when I see it come through.
I price my items as fairly as possible to make it affordable to the customer and make a little profit for me.  I don't have a lot of profit margin to be including a whole lot of free promo items.  Including something like homemade jam is something I've done (not with jam but other hot stuff) for special customers, but rarely. 
Novelty item to be included in any or all orders and special handmade items for special customers..... different customers, different orders~ 
hope this helps-