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Varieties and Sources help

Hey everyone. As some of you may know, I have lost most of my 7pot, bih jolokia, and naga morich seedlings to drowning and the evil mold. :( I'm looking to buy more seeds right away and give it another shot, but ontop of that, I'd like to throw in some more varieties this time around.

I want to give the three a try again, but perhaps switch out the bih for the bhut (they didn't have any available when I was buying). Fatallis seem like a great variety and it appears most of you love and grow them!

What are your guys' suggestions for other varieties/ your favorites? What suppliers would you suggest? I'm located in the US.

Thank you in advance!

---> What happened to my poor, poor seedlings :(
bin and bhut are basically the same just a regional name difference.
For seeds you wanna check out rainbow seeds (the main man is a member here)
Try aribibi gusano small pods but pack enough punch in flavour and heat to put you on your ass, don't hear of many growing them but i'd say you gotta try them
Chocolate Habs are great, Fatali, Datils, Super Chilis, you name it...there's 1000's of varietys out there. Just depends what you want or like. :)

I tend to not plant stuff I can easily buy, but that's just me.

I've gotten all my seeds either through friends on THP, or from TheHippySeedCo.

He's a member here too, and a fine dood. He's the one got me started on it all. :)