variety pic

Marvelous, simply marvelous!!! That picture is worthy of blowing up and mounting on the wall!!!

I'd love to try each one of those peppers one after the other, they looks so fresh and ripe!!
My plants were neglected this year...only had time to plant Red Savinas. I've been in school sind 8-1, so much has gone to seed....literally.

Went home this weekend though (after my White Coat Ceremony) and made an omelet with fresh reds. Yumm.

Give me about 7 years, and I'll get to post some pix.
staffing said:
My plants were neglected this year...only had time to plant Red Savinas. I've been in school sind 8-1, so much has gone to seed....literally.

Went home this weekend though (after my White Coat Ceremony) and made an omelet with fresh reds. Yumm.

Give me about 7 years, and I'll get to post some pix.

Hang in there, it does get better eventually. You made a good choice to go back to school.
IGG - The bridge burning was outside of the public area of the forum so not for me to comment, but I agree with the result. Best to leave it be for now...please.