event Vegas Chili Cookoff

are you going to try and be a judge TB?
AJ, I am much too biased to be a judge. Truth be told, I have never been to one of these soiree's and I think it will be a hoot. I'll try not to sneer when I see someone put raspberries of other some such wombat in a perfectly good bowl of red.
It'll be great fun I'm sure.

Cheers, TB.
TB...from what I understand the ICS standards for chile are real close to CASI...and CASI chile's are good...trust me on that...they are not hot by any means tho...you should volunteer..at least you will get some free chile... :lol:
AJ...I sure wish I could but I'll be taking my dear sweet wife and since there will be no shoe stores or chick stuff at the cookoff, (and she won't eat chili) she'll only be good for 2 maybe 3 hours before the incessant nagging begins. God I love this woman. I'll be sure and take a few choice pics for posting.
Until then...

Cheers, TB.
understand TB...I have never been to an ICS cookoff but have been to a lot of CASIs...the comraderie those folks have is just amazing...

enjoy it my friend....later..
ahh...I never made it. I got called as often happens to work the weekend. I was bummed for missing the cookoff but dug the jing for the overtime. Doubletime for Sunday too!!

Cheers, TB.