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Vegetative mutation

Hold'em or Fold 'em


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This one pepperoncini has a mass of vegetation at it's center which twists and curves in on itself, killing leaves in the densely matted core.

I am pretty sure this is a sign of an unstable cross.

Should I ditch it? I am not anal about prure strains, but I haven't been happy with any F1 (if that is right) inadvertant crosses.


The pics do no justice since I cleaned out the dead leaves and crap.
If it's as bad as you say the peppers will never have room to grow. If you've got more of the same plant I say kill it off.
Awaiting picture before I commit myself to a vote. ;)
Good point. There are branches that are starting fruit, it is more a concern that the plant is a very unstable cross, not that it will not produce.
Well in that case, I'm a bit curious what it got crossed with and what the peppers are like. I agree that vigorous healthy crosses are more fun though.
I voted to dig it up and toss it. If you have no idea what it crossed with and is that bad already what's the point? I doubt the Frankin Peppers would be any good anyway.
Let it grow man,

Weird assed plants like that is what its all about... like next year u can be sittin round with a beer n say "dude, last year i had this one plant, it was so funky man... like gnarly!" lol..
I have a spastic plant like that at home. I think it's main genes come from Tabasco but the fruit is heaps smaller and heaps hotter.

Let it grow and then see if the seeds from the pods do any good is my opinion.
I have a tabasco plant that the main stalk was cut about about 6 in above the soil, and has shown similar growth characteristics
I would have left it.

I have an orange hab plant that has some enormous pods. The shape of the pods also are not the typical shape (definitely a cross) but it looks cool and we can't wait to taste them. It sure makes for an interesting conversation piece.
I voted to keep it and at least taste one of the peppers (if it ever sets any)