misc Vehicle wrap

This is the second proof for a wrap I'm looking to have done. I'd appreciate your comments on what you like and especially what you don't like.

Let me say that I'm leaning towards axing the flames, enlarging the Cajun Heat logo on the sides and axing the "award winning" writing on the sides. The website will be black in color and I do not intend to put the "characters" on the wrap. On the back I plan on moving the bottles and placing them where the characters are and enlarging the text. I also want to have the background color a solid orange, no fade to the yellow.

So...what do you think?

Im with you on loosing the flames and getting rid of the yellow, the blue doesn't really work for me but i take it that it is the color of the vehicle so probably wouldn't be able to change that!

Is there any chance that the font on "Award winning cajun hot sauces and spices" could be changed to something a little more laid back?

I would also change the wheels to something a little more "gangsta". :D
The bottles are two small. We see your logo fine, but what is the product? You need a huge diagonal hot sauce bottle along the side, like the wraps for energy drinks, etc.
Critics! You all are just too critical. I love it! But, if you want to change it. I agree a set of bling bling rings would set it off. Also the back seems a tad too busy for me (too much to look at).

But, don't get me wrong, if you told me that I could pick it up tomorrow and it was mine to drive around as advertisement for you, I would do so with pleasure.
I'm with the guy above this post.. I can't admit that I agree with THP.. Oh damnit I just did....

If you look at products, your not usually gonna see YOUR COMPANY NAME as the biggest as much as you'll see YOUR PRODUCT TYPE like sweet bbq sauce....Make your product ie the bottle/rub the main thing on your vehicle and not cajun heat.

on a side note, if this picks up for you and the sauce becomes so high in demand u can't produce the sauce, My company will gladly help ya :D.
The pic of the Tahoe is generic. My Tahoe has been leveled and I've added 33" wheels with custom rims. The "off road" bling is there. You make a good point about the bottles.
I think the flames are fine they will definately draw attention. The bottles of hot sauce should be bigger, just incase all i saw was the bottle and if i was in a store i would say hey how do i know this i prob should buy it or something like that. wirds ar ereally small bigger words. Award winning i'd say a no go. You should have something saying like oh you gotta try this or something or you don't know what your missin. something looks good though. Maybe a hot chick somewhere that always draws everyones attention male or female. maybe the cajun heat .com a little higher on the sides?
Make sure you put that soldier from the Liquid Napalm label on the hood too. And i would add more flames, actually. Tell them to try out either lots of realistic flames, or maybe even tons of tribal ones.
Tkromer said:
More orange in the flames, less yellow and white. Love the overall design though.
Then the whole design is orange and blue. Keep the contrast.
+1 on what THP said, and also
+1 to Nova's rim suggestion

But I goota ask, is this going to be delivery vehicle, sales rep, or dropping the kids to school vehicle?

or is it gonna sit outside your factory which has a sign above it for 9hrs a day?

How far and wide will it travel?

Sitting in traffic, or parked prominantly at the mall, this is gonna be the best primary ad space you'll ever get! Make product bigger, name smaller, as website has your name. Otherwise, get a referrer domain name related to the product or marketing strategy, say flaminghot.com if you go with the flames.