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Very HOT pepper

Please help anyone know what this pepper is it starts green then turns yellow i love hot peppers but this one is on another lvl must i looked at most of the pictures here and online non look the same 


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BlackFatalii said:
That looks like it could be a Yellow 7 Pot, Yellow Moruga Scorpion, or Yellow Brain Strain. What was it supposed to be?
I dont know what supposed to be you tell me it look like all of those above with little differences... i got small plants from this grower i asked him for hot peppers he gave me 2 small plants for free.. hard to explain the taste it tastes like mango and orange juice mixed with clorox i love it haha  ..

i grow hot peppers for years i like to dry them turn them into powder put in salt shaker. 
Here is a picture of my other favorite very sweet taste going to pick those in few days ..
The look and flavor description of the 1st pod seem like a Yellow 7 Pot.
The red appears to be a Bhut Jolokia or Naga Jolokia

Nice Phenotype on that Yellow!
JoynersHotPeppers said:
So someone gave you free plants without telling you what they were? 
Yah they were small in a plastic pot he is like me dosent know the names he just said they are hot.. i planted them few months ago this is my first taste they are unreal im scared to bring them in the house haha..

im not new to hot peppers i love hot peppers have been eating these red ones for years they are crazy hot but nothing compared to this yellow pepper.. so i was curious
This whole thing seems pointless and if you and the person who gave them to you truly don’t know what they are, nor care to know what they are. why even ask or have others answer with possible varieties it could be... I mean you said it about the person you got them from and you also said it about yourself you just know it’s “hot”.

End of the day you are still at square one a pepper plant you like but do not know what it is.

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Sleeper67 said:
This whole thing seems pointless and if you and the person who gave them to you truly don’t know what they are, nor care to know what they are. why even ask or have others answer with possible varieties it could be... I mean you said it about the person you got them from and you also said it about yourself you just know it’s “hot”.

End of the day you are still at square one a pepper plant you like but do not know what it is.

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hey relax brother im just like 99.9% of the people i dont know everything  :P .. i used to grow the illegal stuff in my back yard 20 yrs ask me anything haha..  
and yes i am thankfull to all the guys here i found the answer to my question pretty quick.  :thumbsup:   Its a moruga scorpion just be careful with this one boys its fkn HOTTTTTT
have a good day boys  :thumbsup: I will be back with more pictures.
Sleeper67 said:
This whole thing seems pointless and if you and the person who gave them to you truly don’t know what they are, nor care to know what they are. why even ask or have others answer with possible varieties it could be... I mean you said it about the person you got them from and you also said it about yourself you just know it’s “hot”.

End of the day you are still at square one a pepper plant you like but do not know what it is.
Sleeper, you've been here over a year, is this your first visit to ID? The reason I ask is I've (And many others!) tried to help people identify pepper, often unsuccessfully, and even asked for a pinned ID "help" insert.>We Need A "Pinned" Thread In Pepper ID... There have been many with just as little to go on as OP:

What pepper is that?
aladin82 said:
I have a pepper plant and I don't know what variety is it. 
I would appreciate a lot if some of the experienced users can give an opinion about it.
I understand these start with the black then get red as they ripen. Any guesses?

SOS - Need help identifying
TK563 said:
Got a set of hot peppers today at the store and I would like to know how they are called.
Since I am a newbie, I have no clue what they are.
Would be grateful if you could help with the identification
chilli i.d.

Tamaraaa said:
Hi Cilli lovers,
can someone help identifie this types of chillies
A rather strange wrinkly Pepper

Sminky said:
Does anyone have any idea what this Chilli is? Very late to fruit. It had white flowers. It has low heat and approx 3-4 inches in length. Its 'crinkly' style is rather strange.
 Any opinions would be greatly appreciated.
And there have been a few successes! can't tell until asked.

The_NorthEast_ChileMan said:
Sleeper, you've been here over a year, is this your first visit to ID? The reason I ask is I've (And many others!) tried to help people identify pepper, often unsuccessfully, and even asked for a pinned ID "help" insert.>We Need A "Pinned" Thread In Pepper ID... There have been many with just as little to go on as OP:

What pepper is that?

I understand these start with the black then get red as they ripen. Any guesses?

SOS - Need help identifying

chilli i.d.

A rather strange wrinkly Pepper

And there have been a few successes! can't tell until asked.


I get it and I understand what these things are here for, also never was upset or intending to sound rude... just the statements made by OP contradicted what was being asked but I’ll just leave this tread alone as it seems all that is coming from it is more confusion.

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The_NorthEast_ChileMan said:
Sleeper, you've been here over a year, is this your first visit to ID? The reason I ask is I've (And many others!) tried to help people identify pepper, often unsuccessfully, and even asked for a pinned ID "help" insert.>We Need A "Pinned" Thread In Pepper ID... There have been many with just as little to go on as OP:

What pepper is that?

I understand these start with the black then get red as they ripen. Any guesses?

SOS - Need help identifying

chilli i.d.

A rather strange wrinkly Pepper

And there have been a few successes! can't tell until asked.

ahhh yes this explains alot should have been a ( read me first) sticky on top very helpful to the new guys.  i thought you can tell from pepper picture haha
Would be even nice to have two stickies second one is a data base pictures with names so people will first check there before asking..

I just went out side got more pics but dont know were to look for reference..


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Stg. said:
Would be even nice to have two stickies second one is a data base pictures with names so people will first check there before asking..

I just went out side got more pics but dont know were to look for reference..
Well, pepperdatabase.org is a good place to start, especially if you know some peppers it could be. I've started contributing there recently.