food VOTE! I ♥ Asian Wings PIC 1 vs. JayT

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The Hot Pepper

Well well well...

PIC 1 won the people's choice poll (30 points)
JayT won the judge's vote (9.05/10)

So here we are... a TIE-BREAKER!


VOTE for who made the best Asian wings!

Two Day Poll!

This was a wonderful, fun contest, and like THP said earlier, if you opened up a chain with this selection of diverse and fantastic wings you would kill Buffalo Wild Wings.  
Good luck PIC1, your wings rocked, may the best man win.
Oh yeah this is a real horse race!
I really didna' want to vote for Jay just because I'm biased a leetle bit because we're compadre's but...
I love the chinese flavors, always have.
I thought PIC had the better presentation but I just have never liked Indian food. I think it was because my dear sweet mama prepared it so poorly and it was so awful when I was a kid. Kinda' like that really bad time you got drunk on rum. After that the smell of it just makes you wanna' gag.
JayT said:
thanks, I think... :lol:
Ah shud'up and take it as a compliment ya' dang foo'!
JayT: Hey doc, I think there's something wrong with me. I feel great but I look like crap. What's wrong with me?
Doctor: I agree, you DO look like crap. Let me look it up in my medical book.
:opens book and leafs through the pages:
Doctor: Hmmm..says here "feels great but looks like crap.." You're a vagina!
Jay I'm glad you feel better about things ? .........may the best dish win...

sicman said:
i had to go with the indians! not the arrow kind but the dot kind :rofl:   my gramps would be so proud of me ;)
and the beat goes on !...............thanks man !
sicman said:
i had to go with the indians! not the arrow kind but the dot kind :rofl:   my gramps would be so proud of me ;)
My gramps would be proud of you as well!
While he was alive, I never once heard him refer to China as China,
it was always 'Red China'. He smoked big cigars, made his own mus-
cadine wine and hated black people.
I've eaten my share of Chinese food and liked it, but what really gets my juices flowing is contrasts and layered flavors. Pic1 definitely went the extra mile on this one so he's got my vote.
stickman said:
I've eaten my share of Chinese food and liked it, but what really gets my juices flowing is contrasts and layered flavors. Pic1 definitely went the extra mile on this one so he's got my vote.
Thanks for checking through the prep work, it all adds up to the final plating. The last wing challange (Jerk) was a good one. I had a few friends that are in the food biz check what the judges critiqued upon. I was happy to hear from them,.... "the judges were spot on right down to the last ingredient".
That made me feel pretty darn good coming from these guys and girls... I know we're all waiting to see the wording  and break down critique after the voting is tallied.
I'm sticking with my first choice, I feel PIC 1 put a ton of effort into the research, prep, execution, and multiple presentations.
I guess the only way to truly make a perfect decision would be to taste the finished product.
Now that would be a cool thing to do!
Had to go with J's on this one. While the plethora of condiments Pic1 made seemed really nice additions, for me it came down to the wings themselves - I didn't see this as a condiment contest. Both looked and sounded really good, but if I used no condiments J's are what I would go for first. 
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